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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

Site meta-talk, help, suggestions, and moderation discussion

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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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Could you at LEAST make a politics board for this person? I'm biased because they had been banned, you keep deleting their posts, etc. All they want to do is help, and I can't take it anymore.

And why had you banned their topic? This person clearly WANTS TO HELP. Just GIVE THEM A CHANCE.


thats not a user, that is a deranged spammer who has been spaming 4chan and alt-chans going on a decade now.


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Who is this anonymous angel and why is he telling such beautiful truths?


That would be me lol

>user/deranged spammer who has been spamming 4chan and alt-chans going on a decade now
They made me unsure because they had posted their rallying cries on thirty other imageboards and those posts kept being deleted when they're actually talking about criminal offences, tactics, health problems, red herrings, etc.

There needs to be a hidden 'politics' board on any alt-chan for this guy.


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>sites need to cater to 1 or 2 deranged polispergs and spammers.
how about no.


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best character


This. Give those creatures an inch and they'll take a world. No community is safe if they're allowed to fester.


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Does arguing about anal sex count as political? No. I mean I’m against anal too but this guy needs medical help. I think he has some anal retentive issue or latent passive homosexuality and his method of dealing with these repressed urges is his anti-anal crusade.


it is when you imply you want "someone" to do "something" about it, like who is gonna do anything? individuals? no itd be some Govt body.


See the "Banned Topics" section of the rule page.


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I genuinely tried to get through to anal lad on multiple imageboards over the years it's impossible. Not to try to get him to stop believing what he believes but simply to realize that spamming like he does doesn't get him anywhere and it'd better for him and everyone else if he moved on and put his energy into something generative. Doesn't really matter what it is, doesn't even have to be public facing. But this guy could have made a great ynfg by now or hell, some 4x strategy game like dominions or something with how obsessive he is. Anal lad if you're here, go make your magnum opus, because it's not threads on ibs.

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