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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Any hikkis here figure out a way to make money without leaving your room and going outside??.


Why do I feel like I've see this thread fifty million times before?


If I were to receive a dollar for every time I read a similar thread and taken away 1 million dollars from that amount for every time somebody actually writes a good idea to make cash without moving, I'd be a millionaire by now and willing to give 100k to every person in this place.
If you want money, you have to leave the room. There is no way around it, otherwise everybody would be doing it.


it's easy op, just click on this link
Here's how it works: For every one hundred times you repost that link we'll send you another bottle of pills. Within eight weeks those pills are guaranteed to grow you cock by 3 inches if you take a daily dosage of five pills every hour hour and three minutes. Meanwhile, we'll send hot single-married milfs to your house to use you as a male prostitute. 85 percent of your profits will go back to us and with the remaining money you can join our free to play, monthly subscription mmorpg where your own hentai dreams can become a reality!


>If you want money, you have to leave the room. There is no way around it, otherwise everybody would be doing it.

Not true at all many other hikkis online have told me about their experiences working from home some do programming video game design hacking pc repair bitcoin and litcoin mining hell you can even get paid just for doing online captchas there is no way in hell i am working in the outside world and making myself look like a clown in front of a large group of normalfags.



Sounds like a scam.


>Why do I feel like I've see this thread fifty million times before?

Well not all hikkis wanna be hikkineets forever some want to continue being hikikomori while making a living for themselves.


All of those people wither 1. have skills which they learned while they were outside or 2. have personal connections which they can use or 3. a lot of money already. Lots of people can work from home, but only if they can get a job in the first place. Are you willing to go outside for a little bit to acquire the skills needed for this? Also, bitcoin is a high-risk, usually low reward thing. You need a lot of money in the first place for it to be worth your while. Captachas and stuff like that are quickly becoming obsolete thanks to google. There's lots of Indians who already do that kind of stuff, so there's no reason for anybody to want to hire you over them.
>large group of normalfags
Not every jon requires that much social interaction. Seasonal workers like fishermen and boat workers get pretty good money while not having to worry too much about presentability.


>All of those people wither 1. have skills which they learned while they were outside or 2. have personal connections which they can use or 3. a lot of money already.

You do realize that i can still build up my skills while i'm still a hikkineet right?? and then go from there later on.

>Are you willing to go outside for a little bit to acquire the skills needed for this?

I don't have to do that see above however i do have previous employment history 8 years ago i worked part time at my dads family business we use to print test papers for schools i did that for 3 years.


Why'd you stop? Where you out of High School when you started?


>Why'd you stop? Where you out of High School when you started?

The company shut down in 2013 and i did go off to college in 2012 but dropped out in 2014 and have been a hikkineet ever since.


Stocks, cryptocurrencies, property.
Read: fucking gambling


For most people, making money from home isn't realistic. Not saying impossible but it's going to be hard especially if you don't have any skills. Most people whether they like it or not have to leave their house to make money.

Work on your social skills and get a simple job. If "normalfags" are your problem then you just need to get over it, to be blunt with you. Are you saying that you are better than them or something?


> Most people whether they like it or not have to leave their house to make money.

But this implies that i have to stop being a hikki to get a job which isn't true really sure i would to get a job in the outside world but that isn't what personally suits me to be honest i really don't wanna be apart of society it really is fucking cancer i just wanna find a way to to support myself while in isolation

>Work on your social skills and get a simple job. If "normalfags" are your problem then you just need to get over it, to be blunt with you. Are you saying that you are better than them or something?

To be fair it's not normalfags it's really more just people in general in my time spent in isolation i have realized how shitty people and society really are and personally to be honest i want nothing to do with them also this whole capitalist system is fucked up i could never handle the idea of going from point A. to point B. and coming from point B. and going back to point A. everyday until you retire or die it slowly kills you overtime and is fucking cancer.


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>it's really more just people in general in my time spent in isolation i have realized how shitty people and society really are and personally to be honest i want nothing to do with them also this whole capitalist system is fucked up i could never handle the idea of going from point A. to point B. and coming from point B. and going back to point A. everyday until you retire or die it slowly kills you overtime and is fucking cancer.
Go to the mountains with a knife and a Ferrocerium lighter, and live in the woods hunting your food and making your clothes. The stars shall be your roof and the muck your bed. Isn't it wonderful to be "free"?


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I doubt you could find employment with the way you write. Please try to work on that as regardless of whether you go outside or not, it's important to any potential employers.
>i really don't wanna be apart of society
Guess what? Anybody who benefits from society, is a part of society. You just don't contribute to it.
Verbally fucking people feels great.


>Huurrppdeerrp go live in the mountains you fucking faggot

That sounds like something a typical normie would say i'm starting to get the feeling that nobody on here is actually NEET or hikki and the very few that are get bullied by normal scum like you maybe you should go back to /r9gay/ stupid troll.


>I doubt you could find employment with the way you write.
>Grammar Nazi detected
>Verbally fucking people feels great.

Fuck off


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I'm not a grammar nazi for expecting people to use periods. It's the truth, nobody will ever employ you if you write that poorly. You need to check your attitude, buddy.


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Ach, come on. Look, you are the edgy one saying you don't want to be "part of this fucked up society", and literally the only thing you could do to achieve that is to give away your possessions and go down the earth where human intervention is minimal. I was being generous when I told you could use a knife. Calling me a troll for being realistic and getting that mad at me because you don't like my comment only shows you can't take any input that isn't sugarcoated to appeal you. Really, you should improve that attitude you have with everybody if you want to actually get money. And no, I'm not telling you to "man up bruh" and become a social butterfly, just to not overreact like an autistic little kid every time you read something you don't like.

You want to earn money without doing anything to get it? Without capital at all? That is almost like magic, and while not impossible, it isn't easy at all and ironically it's harder to achieve and maintain than a normal job. Home-programming requieres you to be very good at it, and most importantly, to let people know it's better to contract you than some random indi with the same skills as you and willing to work for less. It's the pit of the pit. If you are of those retards who consider "wageslave" an insult you will hate it, because that's even worse. If you still want to try it, just read some tutorials and make a game engine or anything you want to specialize in to show people you can code. That will improve you chances.


>Ach, come on. Look, you are the edgy one saying you don't want to be "part of this fucked up society

How exactly is that edgy?? it's just how i feel.


It's edgy because you're implying that society is evil for not accommodating to your anti-social sensibilities.


Because not all of a society is a herd of assassins trying to stab you in the back. Yes, money distribution is retarded, yes, there are people starving, dying. Are you living in a hole drinking piss and being spit by other people? There is people living on under those circumstances. The point in life is to advance, complaining that society is shit while not only not being in the pit but also benefiting out of it is hypocritical and shows that not only you aren't willing to improve, but you want to drag others along the way.
Maybe this isn't your case, but that's generally the way it goes.


>i'm starting to get the feeling that nobody on here is actually NEET or hikki and the very few that are get bullied by normal scum
This boards has been taken over by optimists and armchair psychologists. It used to be a comfy place where any Hikki/NEET had their say, but today's residents want to force them to change to a more normal way of living. I advise you to find another website if you want to have a decent conversation among peers who are similar to yourself.


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>Normie doctors posting on an image board trying to understand unemployed people and shut ins
>What is shitposting

Top kek normalfag get out.


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No, it hasn't been. Ubuu never had to be a place where people circle jerk over how miserable they are and how much they hate society. Trying to encourage people to live in an objectively healthier way is not the same as pushing them to be a normalfag and it should not be viewed as a bad thing. You think that giving advice on the advice board is a bad thing. Advice shouldn't be comfy, it should be useful
>I advise you to find another website if you want to have a decent conversation among peers who are similar to yourself
You mean like /r9k/? It's clear that op blew in from there after getting upset one too many times. Look at the way they responded to you. I personally don't think you can have a, "decent conversation", with somebody who you can barely understand.


You can tell that >>4228 is op because of the weird double space. Just look at that fucking pepe picture. That's what you should be worried about.


> /r9k/

That place is shit.


Somebody called you a mean name while you were there, right?


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>It used to be a comfy place where any Hikki/NEET had their say, but today's residents
It used to be about anime, faggot. THAT was comfy. Until wizards took over and started walling on the same shit and made it the worst board ever, then left and people turned it into an advice board, and it's been as shitty since then. Don't pretend otherwise.


>It used to be a comfy place where any Hikki/NEET had their say
Okay, name an example of something you can't say.


OP you are effectively limiting yourself to 2 ways of making money:
>Menial tasks for menial pay (mturk, clickworker)
>Gambling (crypto and stock daytrading, literal gambling)

Maybe get a "mini-job" like delivering papers as a start. The pay from a paper route will be better than clickworker and more reliable than gambling. Minimal interaction, and hopefully the fresh air and the walk will help ease you.



I'm not good at it like Stephen Padock was LOL.


>Maybe get a "mini-job" like delivering papers as a start.

Already did one of those a few years back.



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have you even read the rules?


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To avoid making another thread I figure I should post here. Are there any resources on how to find/keep work while suffering from chronic illness? Examples of work to pursue that might fit? Strategies for explaining yourself without deceit? Life story incoming.

I have a condition that essentially makes me unable to function for a week or two at a time, mentally and physically, and is frequent enough it affects me 1-3 times a month. I'm frustrated because I'm sure I'm capable of working and interacting with people on the days I'm not sick, but I've also never been offered an interview when I've admitted having this to an employer. I don't think I can lie about it or I'd use all my sick days in an instant and get fired. Worse I'd push myself and make a mess by not ducking out when symptoms start, I've blacked out on people plenty since childhood because of that. I have never had a job and local listings are a loop of the same things requiring experience (some with certificates from unions) and/or physical strength (lifting elderly, construction, etc.), and all state driving is a requirement, so I'm clueless what else exists and might accommodate me.

Some years back I tried to get neetbux from the job center at the request of family but after a few months and some unnecessary comments from staff was told to get short-term disability benefits by speaking to a doctor. The doctors I spoke to replied with: 'that doesn't exist', 'this isn't the place', 'why would you need that you're not sick'. It's been some years since and I've injured my arms so I can't lift or write much any more, and the medication I was on for a decade started backfiring so I'm even less sure how well I can do. I used to make a little money drawing commissions but that's out the window since everything crumbled.

Basically I need something that's infrequent or nigh elective and might be understanding of my problem. I can leave the house, especially while the weather's still mild, as long as I'm not bedridden. That sounds terrible but I know I can do things if someone let me try. I can walk miles comfortably on the days I'm well. I've just never found a website listing anything I could qualify for that didn't turn me down for not guaranteeing my health/lacking recent experience.

This might be a hopeless request but maybe a list of jobs that are potentially part time would be helpful for other hikki who want to try work but can only manage a few days at a time. I just feel like an idiot because I don't know what jobs exist in the world outside of the listing sites the job center gave me a long time ago - there are many titles and positions that would never occur to me in my ignorance.


>Go to the mountains with a knife and a Ferrocerium lighter, and live in the woods hunting your food and making your clothes. The stars shall be your roof and the muck your bed. Isn't it wonderful to be "free"?

Because you couldn't possibly make a cabin, or even use another thing other than a knife and ferrocerium, because people weren't able to build a proper home and farm stuff without having to become your meme stereotype of the last survivor tv series. Because said meme stereotype is what being "free" is about as per your implication.

You forgot to add that you need to also be naked and aren't allowed to make any clothing for shock effect.


>Because you couldn't possibly make a cabin
A NEET with mental problems working? What?

>or even use another thing other than a knife and ferrocerium,

You missed the part I said I was being generous.

>Because said meme stereotype is what being "free" is about as per your implication.

Because that's what "being outside society means" means, literally. No internet, no light, no water, no gas, no good metal. You need to build or get by hand all the resources you need. I'd love to hear how you could get seeds to farm without buying them.

Funny how you only pick up that post and ignore on purpose all the others. I was being ironic because the guy was writing a classical teen rant about how fucked up society is and how he wanted to quit. My point is that we take a lot of things granted from society and just because some part of it is fucked up it doesn't invalidate all the other benefits that come with it. If you don't like it then prepare to throw them all those benefits. But don't think that alienating from it will be any easier. In fact, it requires way more hard work than living in a society. What is "living outside the system" for you, then? And I mean "outside the system" as "you CANT interact with it at all".


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>use another thing other than a knife and ferrocerium
Having those things in the first place is a benefit of society. When people made farms and shit, they did it through the benefits of a larger a society providing them with things at some point. All those who benefit from society and can, should either contribute to it, or stop benefiting from it.


Dude are you unironically mentally damaged? Are you seriously saying you can't have things like light, water or metal without society? Or that the only way you can get seeds is to buy them?

Makes sense, ancient peoples just bought their seeds from aliens or something. How sheltered are you? That's one of society's biggest strength, making you thing that you need it in order to live a fullfilling life when it's certainly the opposite. Give me a life of taking my own person in my own hands and providing myself with stuff instead of being a wageslave in some dead end 9 to 5 job. Guess what's more fulfilling?

Uh no, sorry, you are incredibly mentally handicapped or the most ignorant person in the world. "Society" didn't invent knives, probably some guy figured out sharp rocks cut and applied the same principle when some other guy figured out forges with metal. "Larger society", where? In little prehistoric settlements? Are you literally insane or a kid? It is very questionable to call a gathering of 10 people with no laws a society you little boy. Because if that is true, then me and my dog form a whole society by ourselves. And the guy who figured out the sharp rock stuff probably didn't have anyone providing for him, but was he the provider himself.

>All those who benefit from society and can, should either contribute to it, or stop benefiting from it.

So according to you, knives, or rather, the concept of a knife was invented by "society". So I am not allowed to make myself a knife if I'm not willing to contribute to society because then I would be "benefitting" from the magical knife maker metaphysical entity that existed as a "large" prehistoric "society".

Yeah I place my bet on mental illness, nobody is this deranged, stupid and ignorant.

Just in case you are serious, if I'm in a cave and I invent a knife and my cave mate brought me food for some days, society has fuck all to do with it.


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>Dude are you unironically mentally damaged?
That's curious, it's exactly what I was wondering about you based on your fantasy of how everything is readily available at hand in the wild.
Okay Rambo, tell me without googling how to build an alternator/DC source for electricity (and also how would you even build your circuits and from what), a pump for your water service and how to get good metal from earth and most importantly how do you build tools with it; all of this in in the proximity of the "wild zone" closest to you/where you'd chose to live. Oh also, how you will get rice, rye or wheat or whatever seeds you speak of there. No google. Nothing. From zero. No tools. If you actually can do this then I'll definitely take my hat off and salute you. But if you really want to tell me that these things aren't difficult to get and that what society provides doesn't actually hold any value because "it's just there bruh" then you're completely fucked up.

>Give me a life of taking my own person in my own hands and providing myself with stuff instead of being a wageslave in some dead end 9 to 5 job. Guess what's more fulfilling?

Then GO AND DO IT. Nothing is impeding you of leaving your place and do it. Why don't you go and do it?


I didn't know knowing basic stuff that a caveman can figure out was being rambo. Perhaps it is you that are too deep into the soyboy rabbithole that's a husk of a human who only knows how to rot in a chair watching le anime tiddies?

>how to build an alternator/DC source for electricity (and also how would you even build your circuits and from what)

Consider that you might not need to build your own raspberry pi because there might be more interesting and fulfilling things to do.
>a pump for your water service
Ever heard of a river and of clay jars? Oh boy, you're gonna love this, did you know you can make a fire, put a rock on it, heat it up real hot, put it into a jar with dirty river water and the water will sterilize itself because no living organism withstands that temperature? And you can even clear it up letting the sediment fall down!
>inb4 how would you shower
Uh, in the river?
>muh soap
You can easily process ash to get lye, add animal fat, process it a bit and BAM, soap.
>how to get good metal from earth
Define "good". I don't think you really need that xtreem mad elite japanese knive high carbon steel folded over 1000 times to forge usable and working things. Creativity is your friend.
>and most importantly how do you build tools with it
You make a forge, I won't go through the process here because it's quite long to explain as you need charcoal too, but there's a youtube video walking you through it pretty much, check PrimitiveTechnology, it's a youtube channel.
>Oh also, how you will get rice, rye or wheat or whatever seeds you speak of there.
Obviously you need to adapt to whatever plants grow in your zone, you aren't going to find rice in prehistoric spain for instance. Now don't tell me you don't know how seeds work or how you can grab them from fruit or vegetables.
No, I obviously know my shit on this subject which isn't surprising since I'm arguing in favor of it.
>But if you really want to tell me that these things aren't difficult to get and that what society provides doesn't actually hold any value
Woah hold the fuck back, I didn't say that. Thing is I'm mostly concerned with your faulty reasoning. You seem to imply that "society" is some kind of single allpowerful entity that provided you with every cool gadget you have when in fact is more complicated than that. You probably haven't tought about it thorougly.

There is more than "one" society, isn't it?

Say, some savage tribe invented knives, and that tribe's values are completely opposite of that of my society, and yet, my society uses knives. We are benefitting from another society, our own society is benefitting from another society that has nothing to do with it, in fact we are enemy societies. According to you, if you benefit from a society you must contribute to it. But my society benefits from that other society without contributing to it, in fact, my society opposes the knife society. My society is disrespectful to that knife society because it's benefitting without contributing, then, why should I feel morally obligated to contribute to my own society when it's backstabbing and disrespectful and leeches off of others without contributing? Isn't justice that I leech of off it too? He who steals of off a thief…

This kind of makes your mindset crumble to dust. There you go. Try to really think about your worldview thoroughly next time and to not incur in contradictions.


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>Define "good". I don't think you really need that xtreem mad elite japanese knive high carbon steel folded over 1000 times to forge usable and working things. Creativity is your friend.
If you really think picking a little piece of metal from the floor (as if that happened in the wild), heating it and banging it with a rock will magically make it a good knife or whatever tool, then you don't know anything about about the blacksmith's business or forging. Tools need good treatment to last, have a good edge or hardness. I doubt you actually know how to process ore to even understand how difficult getting metal that will work out of rocks is.

So okay, in the rest of the post you basically are ignoring your "Are you seriously saying you can't have things like light, water or metal without society" part and telling me now that "you don't need it". That wasn't the point at all. You can survive without those things, but you argued that you didn't need a society to provide that stuff for you and you could do it by yourself. Now you tell me "lol who needs a pump anyway, there's rivers and clean water everywhere :D!".

>Woah hold the fuck back, I didn't say that.

Again, "Are you seriously saying you can't have things like light, water or metal without society". You are implying here you don't need society because you can have these things yourself.

>You seem to imply that "society" is some kind of single allpowerful entity that provided you with every cool gadget you have when in fact is more complicated than that

Well, somebody made the copper wire for my power installation, some chinese people designed the components inside my computer, and somebody else made a power plant to provide me with the energy necessary to turn this thing on, plus a lot of other stuff like internet conection and such that I won't mention. The same goes for food, the same goes for clothes, the same goes for literally anything you don't make yourself.

>There is more than "one" society, isn't it?

Okay now you go about what "society" means for you and how that totally doesn't imply that somebody else did the work for you through something we know as "the system".

>According to you, if you benefit from a society you must contribute to it.

When and where did I say this? Don't strawman me, please. I'm merely pointing out society provides people with basic commodities, if you want to fuck off "the system" then start throwing away those commodities because otherwise you're a fucking hypocrite. What has that to do with "contributing with society"?

>Try to really think about your worldview thoroughly next time and to not incur in contradictions.

What contradictions? Oh god, now you're starting to put words in my mouth to say I'm wrong…

Also, you didn't reply my question. Why don't you go to the wild and do it? Isn't it more satisfactory than being in society? Or you're just being an hypocrite?


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You're missing the whole point faggot. This was never about whether it was possible to live in the woods or not, it's about how you shouldn't complain when you wouldn't be willing to put in the effort to be, "free". Society is good because it removes the need to do those things. Don't bitch about society needing to change to accommodate to you and instead fuck off and try to live without it.
>basic stuff that a caveman can figure out
Through cooperation and multiple generations going through trial and error. They did not figure it out instantly.
>"Society" didn't invent knives
How can a person be this retarded? If you were to be thrown out into the woods, and you were thrown out with a knife on you. THAT knife was the product of society.
>So according to you, knives, or rather, the concept of a knife was invented by "society".
I'm talking about consistently benefiting from it on a regular basis and within your lifetime. How can one person be this stupid?


>If you really think picking a little piece of metal from the floor (as if that happened in the wild), heating it and banging it with a rock will magically make it a good knife or whatever tool, then you don't know anything about about the blacksmith's business or forging. Tools need good treatment to last, have a good edge or hardness. I doubt you actually know how to process ore to even understand how difficult getting metal that will work out of rocks is.

I don't even know what point are you trying to make, you don't even need a knife made out of metal for everyday tasks, you can get away with sharpened bones and rocks, why would you need an high quality super duper knife for in the wilderness?

You are literally asking me how would I do unnecesary items that aren't needed to have a pretty decent quality of life and that have no real impact on anything. What's next? Are you going to rant about how I wouldn't be able to make oil paint to paint renaissance pictures myself?

>Again, "Are you seriously saying you can't have things like light, water or metal without society". You are implying here you don't need society because you can have these things yourself.

light = torch or candle
water = already told you
metal = told you

>Well, somebody made the copper wire for my power installation, some chinese people designed the components inside my computer, and somebody else made a power plant to provide me with the energy necessary to turn this thing on, plus a lot of other stuff like internet conection and such that I won't mention. The same goes for food, the same goes for clothes, the same goes for literally anything you don't make yourself.

>Okay now you go about what "society" means for you and how that totally doesn't imply that somebody else did the work for you through something we know as "the system".

So you think that society is a SINGLE hivemind thing and that no other society exist? And that you somehow pay homage to it contributing to your own society while chinese society gives no fucks about your society and infact hates you and considers you the enemy?

You really need to get a grip son, seriously.

>When and where did I say this? Don't strawman me, please. I'm merely pointing out society provides people with basic commodities, if you want to fuck off "the system" then start throwing away those commodities because otherwise you're a fucking hypocrite. What has that to do with "contributing with society"?

>All those who benefit from society and can, should either contribute to it, or stop benefiting from it.

>Also, you didn't reply my question. Why don't you go to the wild and do it? Isn't it more satisfactory than being in society? Or you're just being an hypocrite?

THIS society is hypocritical and leeched out of other societies (taking into account that a society is merely a group of people working together and not the allpowerful single magical entity you want it to be). So I have no moral qualms about leeching of off it.

There is literally nothing wrong in raping a rapist.
Find a flaw in this reasoning.

And personally, regarding technology and inventions, I'm thankful to actual INVENTORS, you know, the actual PEOPLE who invented the thing, and not "society". Who the fuck cares if he ate food from "society"? It is society who owes him shit for giving out his invention to the public. It is the retard whose only achievement is providing food for the inventor the one to THANK the inventor for creating that amazing piece of technology for the masses to enjoy, you got it all upside down son, you really sound like some collectivist commie blabbering shit.


I'm not OP and I'm not bitching about society you retard. I'm just not fond of worthless and useless cucks that wouldn't last a week on the woods and glorify society as a GOD.

>Through cooperation and multiple generations going through trial and error. They did not figure it out instantly.

And you call that a society? Okay, what constitutes a society? A group of two persons? Three? Do tell.

>How can a person be this retarded? If you were to be thrown out into the woods, and you were thrown out with a knife on you. THAT knife was the product of society.

So? Point stands, society didn't invent knives, some guy did and it spread.

>I'm talking about consistently benefiting from it on a regular basis and within your lifetime.

You should fund a new cult, society can be the new god or something. Because your tardo brain can't figure out that society has no qualms about fucking you over, is unjust and much more. It's not some kind of goodwill god that provides you with shit magically. And trust me, society benefits more from you than you do from it. But that's for another debate.


>I don't even know what point are you trying to make, you don't even need a knife made out of metal for everyday tasks, you can get away with sharpened bones and rocks, why would you need an high quality super duper knife for in the wilderness?
Uh, maybe because it simplifies life? The point of technology is to make life easier, you can live like a caveman but that's not my point.


I mean electrical power, thought it was obvious.

>So you think that society is a SINGLE hivemind thing and that no other society exist?

Where did I say this, stop strawmaning me. The system is the way different people in different places exchange goods for money or other goods and so through globalization people can accede to commodities they wouldn't have achieved otherwise.

>>4425 is not me, retard. Quoting another person to say I'm wrong won't validate your points.

>THIS society is hypocritical and leeched out of other societies (taking into account that a society is merely a group of people working together and not the allpowerful single magical entity you want it to be). So I have no moral qualms about leeching of off it.

You said, and I quote, "Give me a life of taking my own person in my own hands and providing myself with stuff instead of being a wageslave in some dead end 9 to 5 job. Guess what's more fulfilling?". It seems like a really fulfilling life, why don't you go out and live it?

>There is literally nothing wrong in raping a rapist.

>Find a flaw in this reasoning.
The fuck has to do with any of my points.

>And personally, regarding technology and inventions, I'm thankful to actual INVENTORS, you know, the actual PEOPLE who invented the thing, and not "society".

But who the fuck do you think provides you with any of these goodies?

>you got it all upside down son, you really sound like some collectivist commie blabbering shit.

You're literally putting more shit I never said here and congratulating yourself for being awake while I'm a ship here. Are you mentally deranged?
Jesus christ you're a dense one.


>I'm not OP and I'm not bitching about society you retard.
I never said you were op. Why did you attack a post that criticized op? The purpose of
was not to say that people can't live in the woods. It's that op should stop bitching about how society is so terrible and disgusting while leeching off it? How did you not see that?
>And you call that a society? Okay, what constitutes a society?
That is totally irrelevant. Stop shifting what the argument is about because you have nothing relevant to say.
>So? Point stands, society didn't invent knives, some guy did and it spread.
We're talking about a hypothetical scenario in which you were thrown out into the woods. We're you dropped as a baby?
?Because your tardo brain can't figure out that society has no qualms about fucking you over, is unjust and much more. It's not some kind of goodwill god that provides you with shit magically. And trust me, society benefits more from you than you do from it. But that's for another debate.
Unlike you I don't think society is an entity. I think it is the combined effort of everybody involved. Stop being such a little bitch. Bitching at and leeching off of others makes you a human pig.


Alright at this point I think I've made my points clear, I'm going to sleep now. Keep backpedaling.

>The system is the way different people in different places exchange goods for money or other goods and so through globalization people can accede to commodities they wouldn't have achieved otherwise.

So you call greed from someone who wants to sell its product to more people "the system". I don't really care about your special autism words, but yeah, nothing special about it, bartering and selling goods has nothing to do with society as it can be done without society, not inherent to it.

>You said, and I quote, "Give me a life of taking my own person in my own hands and providing myself with stuff instead of being a wageslave in some dead end 9 to 5 job. Guess what's more fulfilling?". It seems like a really fulfilling life, why don't you go out and live it?

I kind of do, I'm neet and enjoy many hobbies. I'm in charge of my time as I don't have to work, and maybe someday I'll buy a property and become self-sufficient.

>But who the fuck do you think provides you with any of these goodies?

The inventors, were it not for them, I wouldn't be able to have those "goodies".
Food? The animals and plants. You seem to place importance in what or who brings it to your table and it literally has no value at all, even more so since the guy who brings it to you gets paid for it so he does it out of his own personal benefit. You don't owe him or society shit.

Fuck off with your autistic religious messianic depictions of society. No matter how angry you get, I don't owe shit to society and even though I have respect for inventors I don't really owe them anything neither since it is them who decided to make their invention public and GET MONEY out of it.

Get the fuck back to bed lenin.


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>So you call greed
Oh god, here we go again. I never said it was bad or greedy, stop putting words in my mouth.
>I don't really care about your special autism words
Literally doing what you did two post ago, mate. In a society there's people who do something for you so you don't do it in the first place. This is the commodities I'm talking about. Ignoring this won't validate your points.
>bartering and selling goods has nothing to do with society as it can be done without society, not inherent to it.
…okay that's enough. You clearly are either trolling or legit retard if you think that commerce has nothing to do with societies.

>I kind of do

No, we were talking about living in the woods, not NEETism. What I told OP is that if he was so fed up of the injustice in human societies then he should cast away all the benefits that come with it and go underground. Then you come and tell me that that kind of life is fulfilling. Why don't you go out to the wild and build your house and live that fulfilling life? See, this hypocrisy is what I'm criticizing.

>The inventors, were it not for them, I wouldn't be able to have those "goodies".

And who do you think made the computer you're using right now? No, it wasn't the inventors, it was some random people from somewhere who specialize on this field to sell their products, made it for you and you now have access to this commodity. You're really stretching this way too far.

>Fuck off with your autistic religious messianic depictions of society.

When did I say anything good about society other than it provides basic goodies? Is this a lie? Can you really tell me it's not so? Didn't human societies build an economic system so that people could get access to goodies (yes I know it's for money, but it's thanks to this that it happens)? Go and deny this, please.

>I don't owe shit to society

WHERE DID I SAID YOU DID? Stop projecting for fucks sake. Do you have some kind of persecution complex or what? Have you brainwashed yourself so much you see ghosts everywhere? THIS. IS. NOT. MY. POINT.


>So you call greed from someone who wants to sell its product to more people "the system".
The motivations for it are irrelevant. It is beneficial. Bartering and trading are obsolete systems because they don't work on a massive scale. You need to mass produce things for them to truly have a benefit to most people on a whole. You can't barter and trade with every single employee. Money is efficient and efficiency is necessary in a complicated world. Your lack of basic communication skills, fucktarded idealism, and lack of ability to tell the difference between two people makes you seem actually autistic to be honest.
>I kind of do, I'm neet and enjoy many hobbies. I'm in charge of my time as I don't have to work, and maybe someday I'll buy a property and become self-sufficient.
Why don't you have to work and where do you get your electricity from? If the answer is welfare or another person, you are pig.
>The inventors, were it not for them, I wouldn't be able to have those "goodies".
Food? The animals and plants. You seem to place importance in what or who brings it to your table and it literally has no value at all, even more so since the guy who brings it to you gets paid for it so he does it out of his own personal benefit. You don't owe him or society shit.
The inventors don't actually give it you. The motivations of people are irrelevant. You aren't entitled to the fruits of their labor because they want to benefit from you and get something from it through some roundabout way. That is the most autistic thing I have ever read somebody say seriously. Somebody somewhere had some of their money wasted on you. Society is a collective effort and if everybody had your mentality it would crumble. Your parasitic and selfish mentality is the most soyboy, livestock-like thing I have ever seen. It is purely the product of modern entitlement. You can balance self-interest with a sense of obligation to others as whole. That's what I think makes humans better than animals.


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>thinks society is real
>claims it's the other guy who is seeing ghosts


This is what a protective mental barrier looks like everybody. If society doesn't exist, you can't be a worthless leech on it. Okay. Keep telling yourself that to justify your existence.


>Why don't you have to work and where do you get your electricity from? If the answer is welfare or another person, you are pig.
If I ever have kids, I'll let them know they are pigs because I'm paying for them.
>The inventors don't actually give it you.
Yes they do, I'll try to explain for retards

If no inventor = no invention exist
If yes society but no inventor = no invention = can't have invention
If yes inventor but no society = yes invention = can have invention
If yes inventor and yes society = yes invention = can have invention

U understand good now?

>The motivations of people are irrelevant.

*tips fedora*

>You aren't entitled to the fruits of their labor because they want to benefit from you and get something from it through some roundabout way.

I'm pretty sure I'm entitled to my air conditioner if I paid for it. You seem to have low IQ or something. It is HE who wants to sell me something.

>Society is a collective effort and if everybody had your mentality it would crumble.

Which wouldn't even matter because business would go on, trade, inventions and all that, libertarianism anyone?

>Your parasitic and selfish mentality is the most soyboy, livestock-like thing I have ever seen.

Sorry bro, you got that upside down, it is you the parasitic piece of feminized soyboy shit who needs people to contribute shit to its society so he can keep flaunting his shiny iPhone. I don't need anyone to contribute anything, I give no fucks. You apparently do care because you need others to do shit for you, cuck.

>abloo abloo I'm so fucked up in the head and have so low self-esteem I need to live in constant obsession and """"""""""justify"""""""" my existence to others

Believe me when I say I pity you, I feel literal sadness.


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I never said the big brother was real, I merely explained how global commerce works. And the ghost part is a figure of speech meaning "projecting an idea everywhere", because I never mentioned anybody owed anything to nobody, yet anon defended himself of that and whole thing sounded like he was accusing me of being of "those who think he should contribute to society" when I never said anything like that.
So, you finally retorted to greentext and ignoring posts, or are just another faggot? Because if so, that's lame.


Wait, so people here are trying to make other people feel guilty about enjoying the fruits of inventors and shit for not contributing to society?
Contributing to society is paying taxes basically, are you telling me that without public money or taxes society couldn't exist? This is all so wrong on so many levels.


Yeah, this thread is basically "hey, you better pay your taxes so tyrone can get his welfare check asap".


>If I ever have kids, I'll let them know they are pigs because I'm paying for them.
Children can't work.
>Yes they do, I'll try to explain for retards
Just because an inventor invented something, that doesn't magically make you have what they invented. The provider is equally as important. Without a provider, you're fucked.
>*tips fedora*
How long did it take for you to think of that?
>I'm pretty sure I'm entitled to my air conditioner if I paid for it.
With whose money? Where's the money come from? If it wasn't from you, it might as well have been from the actual source. You effectively stole from the other person.
>Which wouldn't even matter because business would go on, trade, inventions and all that, libertarianism anyone?
>libertarianism anyone?
Okay. And who would prevent them from just enslaving people? And who would print money? How would workers be paid without printed money? Libertarianism is one stupid thing, but you seem to be arguing for no society, which is even dumber. Without society, what motivation would companies have to make shit? Society is a collective effort. Without a collective effort, or group of enslaved people, there is no society.
>contribute shit to its society so he can keep flaunting his shiny iPhone. I don't need anyone to contribute anything, I give no fucks. You apparently do care because you need others to do shit for you, cuck.
I don't have an iphone. Where did you get your computer from retard? If you don't need it, fuck off to the woods already.
>Believe me when I say I pity you, I feel literal sadness.
I'm sorry, I thought you denied the existence of society to feel better. I guess you're actually just that retarded.


Modern society couldn't. Anyway, this thread used to be about how bitching all the time about society not giving you everything is annoying.


>Just because an inventor invented something, that doesn't magically make you have what they invented. The provider is equally as important. Without a provider, you're fucked.

Not equally as important in the slightest, you are truly a masterpiece of retardness, without the inventor there would be no invention at all, and the guy who "provides" you with it as you put it, is easily replaceable.

>With whose money? Where's the money come from? If it wasn't from you, it might as well have been from the actual source. You effectively stole from the other person.

Woah, this level of schizophrenia is really something. Why do you even blame the one who receives money from the government? Why not blame the government? If the government didn't force you to pay taxes, no money of yours would go to leeches.

>Okay. And who would prevent them from just enslaving people? And who would print money? How would workers be paid without printed money?

Ever heard of gold?
So you don't like slavery? Well boy, civilization and society was built upon it, you're being a hypocrite.


>all this wageslave coping


>Not equally as important in the slightest, you are truly a masterpiece of retardness, without the inventor there would be no invention at all, and the guy who "provides" you with it as you put it, is easily replaceable.
You didn't answer my question. You never answer questions. How would you get the invention. How?
>Why do you even blame the one who receives money from the government? Why not blame the governments? If the government didn't force you to pay taxes, no money of yours would go to leeches.
You didn't answer any of my questions again. Because you're a fuckin retard. Taxes are used for lots of actually important things like the fire department. It's both the beneficiary and government's fault. The beneficiary however has a much easier time not being a parasite than the government has cutting off social services to those who don't need it. You're also forgetting people who just leech of others like family members when they are capable of working.
>Ever heard of gold?
Gold does not work on a massive scale. You also need a society to determine the exact value of gold. It's effectively a dumber, more obsolete form of paper money. It has no more value than what people would arbitrarily place on it. Something arbitrary like that needs to be regulated.
>So you don't like slavery? Well boy, civilization and society was built upon it, you're being a hypocrite.
You think that because I like society, it's hypocritical of me to dislike slavery? Well, guess what, it isn't. Slavery might at times be necessary, but other means are always preferable in my opinion. Where. Did. You. Get. Your. Computer. From. Retard? How. Did. You. Pay. For. It? Just answer those two question. Real simple.


and of course we would see a faggot opportunist cancer using the moment to attack people who happily work.


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Thread Summary
>OP asks a loaded, naive question
>People explain why op is being impractical and should get out of their shell for their own benefit
>Op starts screeching and rambling about how cancerous society and other people are
>People tell him off for being juvenile and annoying
>Op starts screeching and flapping his arms incessantly and then starts sobbing and rocking back and forth in the fetal position
>Person tells op that if they think society is so cancerous and terrible, they should just take a few basic tools with them into the woods and live there instead of leeching off of it while also hating it
>Pepe Faggot crawls out of hell and looks around with a glassy, unblinking stare
>The point completely flies over pepe fags head and he says that people wouldn't even need tools to live in the woods because cave men' n shieeet
>People start arguing about how hard it would be to live in the woods for no reason
>Pepe fag says that society isn't necessary because MUH FREE MARKET AND BARTER HURR DURR, replaceable people aren't important just because they're replaceable, and those replaceable people still get money so that means that there's nothing wrong with taking from others to buy shit because IT'S DA GUBBERMENT FAULT
>People argue about economics for no reason while pepe fag continues to totally miss the original point
>Pepe fag is exorcised by reverend sei
The type of people who blame all of their problems and short-comings on the system are more often than not the biggest pieces of shit. Both Communism and Anarchism(thinly veiled as Libertarianism?) are two ways that people think they can be free of our horrible current system where people are rewarded for their effort and need to work to get things. It feels bad knowing that while most people are content with this system, they're looked down upon for being parasites. If everybody was allowed to be a parasite or if nobody could be, that wouldn't be a problem, never mind practicality. Even if economic disparity wasn't as bad and or our feudalistic corporate culture didn't exist, and people really were perfectly rewarded for their effort alone, these people would still be complaining. They use imperfections in the system to excuse their hating of it. Instead they should recognize imperfections for what they are, the inevitable product of humans' universal selfishness. After accepting that, they should work on themselves.


I am not the guy you were adressing and I understand your reasoning but I don't think you are right. The majority beeing okay with some type of system does not tell anything about the quality of the decission. I mean most people are also poor and never amount to much more than expendable worker drones either. Most people have no own oppinions and just take over the oppinions of the dominant people around them. There is no reason to assume "the majority" is in any way enlightened to the one and only truth.

I believe that most people are even apathetic to political stuff anyways. I mean in yurop rarely ever will there be more than 50% of the voting base voting for anything or participating in elections. Most people just don't care about the greater scale and they just go with whatever is going right now.


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I think that's irrelevant to my post. The majority of people might not be content with a system because they actually have put thought into it, but they still live well-enough to not have an immediate problem with it in a world were information is readily available. That alone says something. The small minority of people who hate the system on a fundamental level(work to reward) do so partially because other people are fine with it and that bothers them. They're the odd-man out. It makes them insecure. Everybody else therefore must be sheep. They can't be the problem, everybody else must be.


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I make music and post it online…I offer CDrs and sometimes people order them.

Honestly, it's a pain in the ass to draw up new discs, and the shipping usually negates any profit, so I honestly like that they sell only rarely.

I offered to send a free disc to someone a year or two ago and got their info and couldn't be fucked to make it exist to send.

Smoke weed every day - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhO34JTTu8M


Any advice in this thread is adrift in a sea of off-topic bickering. I've tried looking into profit from game economies, but problem is the ones I've looked at the profit is minuscule for the effort spent and is cut by barriers to translating into real world currency.

Best thing I've figured would be to run a trade bot, but then I'm not even sure the profit per transaction would even be enough to pay for the internet it consumes to constantly check for in-game trade requests and serve clients.

If anyone has any experience in this matter, feel free to reply, figured this would be the thread to do it.


i work from home doing medical transcription. it involves very nearly no human interaction at all (i've directly corresponded with my manager maybe 5 times in the several years i've been doing this job) and the schooling (a year-long program) can be done online as well, so if you can put the money and effort into getting certified, it's worth it. i've been able to work up to the point of making decent money from it, i'm completely independent now and i can save a good chunk of it too. it's meant a great deal of freedom for me.

the only real downside is that since i'm considered an independent contractor, i have to pay my taxes in a lump sum at the end of the fiscal year. that means that if you're not good at saving or willing to get better at it, you probably shouldn't bother with this. all that said i'm in canada and i have no idea what the industry is like elsewhere. still, it's a good option that lots of people don't think of and it's not particularly difficult


I will have to look into that. I rate your post as very helpful/10


Would you say that job's on its way to being automated, is that a long ways off?


honestly, it's hard to say. i don't know enough about the current state of speech recognition software to answer with any confidence. i will say that a lot of the work i do actually involves editing reports that have already been through speech recognition and whatever the company i work with uses isn't that great. there are people in the industry who seem to think that automation is a very long way off or even not possible for this field, but who knows. i do have a mild fear that one day i'll be replaced by a computer and then i'll have to get a real job or start taking my clothes off for money


I just signed up to work for Rev.com. It's a freelance transcription site where anyone can apply as a contractor; if your language skills are decent enough to pass the application, they assign you audio from customers and you will make between $0.40 to $0.65 per minute ($24 to $36 per hour) of audio you transcribe into text.

Of course, transcription takes time, and it took me like 10 minutes to work through and proofread a 2 minute audio clip for the application exam, so if I get the job I'll probably be making more like $5 an hour of work. You would make more over time if you get really good at it though.

It's definitely enough money to buy myself some food in a pinch.


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and what were your results?

I'd not get my hopes up if you haven't gotten them yet, because I saw your reply and immediately signed up for myself an hour ago and just saw the results, I got rejected

I also signed up and got rejected by maxbounty

and if anyone was wondering I signed up with an upwork and freelancer account and never got any jobs, all these online money making schemes are either heavily oversaturated to the point to where they reject everybody, don't work, don't actually make you any money ($0.00000001 every hour or some shit), and or are scams and fakes


Rev accepted my application. 4 dollars for an hour of work, but at least I don't have to send a .pdf resume like you have to for translating.

My Spanish is merde anyways.



>>4495 here. My application was accepted and I tried it for a while, but honestly the quality of the audio files was so poor that transcribing most of them is not worth the money, or is literally impossible. All of the worst quality audio files get kicked down to the noobs, so it's a baptism by fire to reach the higher ranks where you get first pick of audio files.

If I kept at it, I think I could make up to $10 an hour, but it takes a lot more energy than something like Door Dash, which I used to do while my car was working. Easily made $10 an hour there, but had to pay for my own gas, which ate up 1/3 of my revenue. If I were more desperate I would probably keep working with Rev.


fuggin spoogs mang


Crypto does wonder to me. Anyone here who also bought GRT at 13 cents and patiently waiting for the price to reach $1.50?


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while I don't recommend it as your main source of income, I was able to turn $125 into $230 playing online blackjack. but that's probably better to try with extra money to throw away


Do you have like 1 or more tactic(s) that makes your chances in blackjack go above 50% (ie. card counting or other advantage play) or did you just play normally and get lucky.

If you dont know what you are doing, the house always wins


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all live casino is trash, don't play it, it can be interesting to watch though. I get nice vibes from it.

betting getting worse exponentially, too many unpredictable matches and straight fixing, i've lost a lot of BTC this way

regular card and any other games with ppl for money are good but require a lot of practice and learning

i'd say in terms of gambling (~15 years of experience) = games with real people for money > farming/botting/cheating/other rmt > betting > casino

obvious shit tbh just coming from an experienced man making a living from it. It is a ticket out of poverty and hikkyism but like any work its still hard so if you are weak and dumb trash u will fail and lose time and money so its better to do real life jobs for u. U also need a good body and overall toughness

i will not suggest anything concrete cuz u r my competition ;-)


Was just curious if you where at a net loss or a net gain , considering you said you make a living with it , nice

Also what does rmt mean and why U also need a good body and overall toughness? How is having a good body relevant to knowing when to bet and when to to bet and how much? is it in case you get in a fight?


Planning on starting an accounting degree soon, I might be able to work from home doing that. Not really sure if that fits with the thread or not.


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gain of course, but its not that simple and I'm bad with money unlike many euros/US guys. I envy them while wasting pretty much most of my money to live my life and can only invest in more gambling or reselling. Best investments would be housing and crypto or bot farms but i can't afford that and don't want to do that tbh because its scummy, I like feeling superior when I win 1x1 or just in general. I discovered that i'm an extrovert and 30+ life requires friends and women to keep sanity in check, which wastes a lot of money, health and time as well

forgot to mention - avoid any kind of slot machines unless its free or kind of free like videogames and paid videogames which you can RMT from. Slots are for gopniks and trailer trash. In casino you can at least actually win but it's pure random which always works for casino.

When I switched to bitcoins in betting, I stopped using live casinos completely. For new bettors its much better to bet in usual currencies and in very low limits just like poker and stuff. If ur good you will win money. Rn I'm installing a few live casinos just to fap tbh :) Girls are hot and I like the atmosphere, its perfect.


lol its not but w/e.

My colleagues all have degrees which they don't use, some even have real estates they don't use as well and don't care just living their lives

ok said all i wanted tbh and will just lurk



What is RMT?
What whould you say is the biggest moneysink? is it the women? like gf or prostitutes?

dont see why you whould masturbate to live casinos when there are much better sites for that purpose outthere but ok , you do you buddy


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>What whould you say is the biggest moneysink?

to not lie its food and drinks


How is food and drink the biggest money sink and what is RMT (i am asking this for like the 4th time)


because you just shit or barf it out, and it has bad effects on health. Its money and health sink

RMT = trading and doing something on the internet which is "forbidden" by companies who made it in videogames

ok get lost man


>RMT = Real Money trading
Ok got it

>because you just shit or barf it out, and it has bad effects on health. Its money and health sink

To be fair you do need food to survive and starvation can have a negative effect on health you need it to survive yet its also an unescapable money sink , like "being alive" tax , if you eat too much food on the other hand fair enought.

In terms of alcohool , i agree.


I have a work at home job that pays $510 a week. That's £364 a week in british money. I'm not allowed to disclose the name of the company due to signing an NDA contract.

They feel that if the general public knew about this, then the quality of the job applicants would significantly decline.



Online gambling is a scam. They adjust the odds in real-time so if you are consistently winning, they change the odds so you always lose in succession to lose most of your winnings.

I know this is a FACT because there is a trick to always win 100% of the time at roulette. If you tried it in a physical casino you'd be banned from entering. But when you try it online, the online casino game starts to act very strange.



I applied to work with rev but their application form didn't work. There was no certification to pass. It expected me to submit the form with no changes as there was nothing to mark.


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>makes bullshit claim
>doesn't elaborate or even say what the title is cause "muh NDA"
so you're either full of shit, or you're full of shit. got it.


weird seeing this thread from 2017 here post-COVID. yes, all computer programming jobs are now fully remote. I haven't left my house for work in 3 years. it's ok


you got any experience using this, anon? what's the rate of offered surveys and the (actual, realistic) pay someone can expect to get out of it long term? being told $6.50/hr on the site is cool and all, but it won't really mean much if the average time you invest is too low.

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