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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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I have been hikki for about 5 months now and I am wondering what I can do to support my Hikki lifestyle. I just want to do something where I can live a basic life (internet, food/water, small living space). My only thing I require out of it is no human interaction in it besides online.


>My only thing I require out of it is no human interaction in it besides online.
see >>5694


Okay 1. we already have many versions of this same thread up check the catalog 2. hikikomori dont work if you're working you're not a hikikomori because you're still apart of society in someway.


A hikikomori isn't necessarily a NEET, right? Like if you're locked up in your house for months and months but you write for commission on the Internet to get food delivered, you're not a NEET, but that's not really an interaction with society either for the purposes of definition, otherwise people who posted on imageboards or forums wouldn't be hikikomori. Internet doesn't count.



Like i said in the other thread that is a stupid cop out argument that makes no sense the difference is those are basic everyday necessities to survive in the modern world in at least someway where is working a job and attending school is way more interacting with society than any hikikomori ever would.
I honestly don't care what kind of industry you're in because there is usually is something you're selling to someone weather that be a service a product or a skill you can do and to do that you need to have interaction with the outside world and employees to make that happen almost every job you work you have customers so you essentially are still contributing to society and still giving back to society and pretty much almost all at home jobs still require you to sometimes leave the house and go to the actual job and they also require you to go to an in person interview and talk to a stranger on the phone which a real hikikomori could not do and true not all hikikomori are supported by their parents but welfare is a thing you know that right? so yeah my point is definition speaking they are all NEETs because hikikomori means not contributing to society and hikikomori is not not leaving the house its not leaving the room you withdraw yourself up into in the house you live in.

Watch this.



What an asshole


You sound like an autist who takes everything literally.


>What an asshole

So i am an asshole because i state the truth?


>You sound like an autist who takes everything literally.

At least i do research hikikomori dont have jobs.


At the time of the post OP didn’t have a job. The only criterion he didn’t fill was being in his state for six months. Furthermore, welfare isn’t always enough in some countries to support people.

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