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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice

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 No.2367[Last 50 Posts]

What are your MBTI types, /hikki/ ?

I recommend taking a few different tests and understanding what each letter means. I'm also guessing that most people here are INxx

Some people discredit MBTI, but I think if you treat it a a rough guideline, it can offer some good insights to yourself and others.

INTP wasted-potential masterrace reporting in


INTJ-A. I'll pitch my own question - what sun sign (zodiac) are you, /hikki/? I'm Cancer.




Are you a perfectionist, a skeptic, or fact-orientated? (Virgo traits). I was initially doubtful of astrology (being a "steely-eyed realist" in many regards), but everyone I've known well enough and compared their traits to their natal chart (which includes other signs such as the Moon, Mercury, Saturn, etc.) has matched it perfectly.


I almost forgot to add:
This question is open to anyone.


ISTP - I don't think life will ever get better.


And piesces, sorry I forgot to add.


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>Some people discredit MBTI
Of course, if tumblr has been using it as a snowflake badge it's just a logical consequence people will regard it as shit.

I always vary between INTJ-INTP, so there's it.



They discredit it cause the system is too vague and depends too much on stereotypes. If you want something more nuanced and accurate try out Socionics.

>I always vary between INTJ-INTP, so there's it.

INTJ and INTP are very different though. They don't even value the same cognitive functions, lol.

That said I'm ISTP and Scorpio.


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>INTJ and INTP are very different though. They don't even value the same cognitive functions, lol.
That just shows how shitty these tests are lol
Personally, I feel I fit more in the INTJ range. I prefer when things are already settled in a specified framework and start from there than to be lax, "spontaneous" and improvise.


That's why I suggested you actually read what the functions do to ultimately draw your conclusion. I sometimes end up as Extraverted if the test focuses too much on "do you like one on one interactions"; but I'm fairly clearly introverted (sometimes stay in my apartment for days on end.)

To an extent, yeah. Very skeptic, and I generally go with reals > feels. I have a habit of frequently correcting people - most people dislike it, but it leads to really great conversations with the few close friends I have. I also do generally prefer organized spaces if possible. And I'm very good relative to my peers in terms of managing finances (sometimes that's listed as a Virgo trait).

All of that said, I can pretty quickly spiral into laziness if left unchecked - which goes against most virgo definitions.


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omfgggggg yessss I finished the internet exammination (very good use of time and tottally accurate) xD :p here are le my results le :)


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I usually get INFP, though the F and T section is always borderline and sometimes it swings to T. What test is being used here?


Is someone impersonating you or have you just gone Full Double Kibbles?


Like I said, take multiple and learn what F vs T really means. Do you care more about feels or reals? Do you prefer to be write in a conversation, or for everyone to be happier? Is establishing the truth or finding social harmony more important to you?


to be right*


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how to you mean double

double the trouble double the man

double the science


inb4 forced anon in all boards


I prefer to achieve social harmony through facts and truth. Only through mutual understanding can we ever hope to propel ourselves forward through the universe.


Really fired my neurons.


In that case, do you find it easy to effectively express your emotions to other people? Do you have melodrama in your life?

This distinction can be tough because INTPs can have pretty okay-developed F functions.


Generally yes to the first, no to the second.



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I took 3 different tests for this thing and I got INFP-T every time.

I guess a lot of neets are IN– types


You're probably straddling the line very closely between T and F, your call to make of course.

Your life isn't going to get better. It's only going to become worse with each passing year. Buckle up.

I agree that IN is likely quite common here. I'd actually guess that INFP is probably the most occurring type.


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INFP-T here. Ive always sorta been that way, back in some of my teenage years i would register a bit different, but I always come back to this.

My biggest issue is to find the motivation and self-esteem to do anything. Any time I start to do something I get frustrated by it not turning out perfectly and begin to think that I'm a piece of shit for not being able to do something nicely and that I should just die (lol)

And if anyone is still curious im also part of the moo-crew (taurus).


My life is great, fag.


I'm an extremely unlikely infj. Everyone assumes I'm intX.
Also, Aquarius.


I got isfj


Very similar to me.


I'm a very jaded INFP. I'm a Grade A feeler, not good for much else.


INFP. I'm a total empath and cry baby. Sun/moon leo with venus cancer. Complete bullshit.


INFP too lol kill me


INFP here, a few percent away from INTP.


ENFJ and I'm pretty sure everyone hates me because I'm an ENFJ


same, frens
it's no fun

been getting p jaded lately, too ;_;


INTP but I'm dumb.


I'm an INFP when on my meds and an INTJ when off them.
>INB4 MBTI can't change lol
Medication for mental illnesses literally changes your mindset, perception, and thinking processes


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INTP. I'm obsessed with MBTI, enneagram, Socionics, etc. because I think understanding people will inform me of their "secrets," which is like pretend intimacy. I don't understand my feelings and my thoughts are so boring they make me want to die.

The cognitive functions are really interesting, everyone using MBTI should read about them.


I think ESTP. ES and p. I think it's T.


Explain a bit more about the image you linked?


>my thoughts are so boring they make me want to die
Maybe if you had other hobbies and interests besides personality quizzes that wouldn't be the case. Obsession with something as concrete and definite is bound to stifle creativity and open-mindedness. This stuff is fun to think about every once in a awhile, but trying to seriously categorize all of humanity into neat groups is a waste of time. Focus more on the abstract and you're thoughts are bound to be more interesting.


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According to Carl Jung, sensing and intuition take in information, and thinking and feeling make sense of that information. Each of these functions can be either introverted or extroverted. For instance, someone who uses Introverted Feeling (Fi) looks to their personal feelings to evaluate a situation, while an Fe-user wants to influence how others feel.

Everyone uses four functions. The first function is basically the lens through which you see the world – all information passes through it. The second function is fuel for the first, and can be turned on or off. The inferior function is like a constant annoyance in your life because it's important to you but you're always bad at it, and the third function is weak and just kinda…there. Your "function stack" determines your MBTI type. (In Socionics, it gets even more complicated, because everyone supposedly uses ALL 8 functions.)

For example, an INTP has dominant Introverted Thinking – using their own, personal system of logic to clarify the random connections that come from the auxiliary function, extroverted intuition. They are interested in total, accurate understanding of concepts, eventually using their knowledge to help others (Fe). An INTJ, however, has no functions in common with INTP, and acts really differently (they use introverted intuition and extroverted thinking). INTJs absorb facts, look for patterns, and from them draw unique, big-picture conclusions, in order to eventually take action (Se). By contrast, INTPs usually find facts boring, and care more that something is logically consistent. The INTJ's generalizing, umbrella statements rub INTPs the wrong way.

If you're curious, this tumblr explains it thoroughly.

What should I think about then? My mind really likes to categorize things.


>What should I think about then?
Do you have any books that you like to read or movies that you watched or musicians that you like. Being so narrow-minded is obviously going to be boring. Also, there' lots of things that you could categorize, like chess tactics or fishing technique or what different kinds of sushi taste like.


I do read books, watch movies and listen to music, but I use these things to distract me from thinking rather than enhance it. I like learning about psychology because people are unpredictable, like a puzzle that I can keep working on for my whole lifetime. Psychology is the only thing I haven't gotten bored of even now that I'm depressed.


>but I use these things to distract me from thinking rather than enhance it.
That's a sad way to live. Your own thoughts aren't the kind of thing you should run away from. If physiology doesn't bore you, why did you say that your own thoughts bore you to death because that's the only thing you think about? People aren't unpredictable at all. They always just do the same shit. Nothing any person does surprises me anymore. What people think is what's exciting and what they think is what becomes books and movies and culture.


It's not the subject that bores me, but the way my mind works. When I'm not reading or engaging in some other escapism, I feel stagnant. It's like my thoughts can't produce anything original, which makes me feel like a stupid waste of life.

In social situations, I like watching everyone's different reactions to what I do like a neutral observer, and trying to engineer the most likeable personality possible for me. What's interesting is that some people can have surprisingly negative reactions to my tried-and-tested "nice" behaviors. Or if I get too cocky, I can completely misunderstand what a person is trying to communicate. People value different things.


Creativity is the ability to break down the things you have observed and rebuilding them to reflect your personality. Not being able to come up with anything original means that you are incapable of truly understanding what you have observed. Also, stop experimenting with people. You should definitely stop acting in the way that you think is, "nice". There was this one socially awkward kid who I used to be friends with in school. While I developed as a person he stayed stagnant. I looked down on his lack of self-respect. He was one of those guys that liked to compensate being all nice and shit. It just felt fake to me. Intuitive people are good and picking up on fake, "niceness". He would hold one of the exit doors for kids every day when they were walking to the buses. I purposely avoided the door he held open. I could tell that you got off on people thanking him. The only time I had no choice but to go through his door I didn't say anything, but he still said your welcome like he was pissed off a me of something. I wanted to smash that fucking door in his face or just shove him a trunk and throw him in the river. Don't do that shit to other people. Be genuine you fucking robot. It'll help you in the long run.


Sounds more like you were enemies than friends.


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On the mbti tests online I'm constantly wavering between INFP and INTP, with INFP being the result maybe 2/3 of the time. Seems like via that explanation, I should be either one or the other strongly. So.. now I'm doubly confused.


I think acting passive-aggressive because someone is "too nice" reflects more poorly on you than them.

The tests aren't accurate since a lot of the questions are based on stereotypes about how different types act (whereas MBTI is really about cognitive processes). INTP and INFP can act really similar. But on the inside they're different.


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>I think acting passive-aggressive because someone is "too nice" reflects more poorly on you than them.
I never acted passive-aggressive. I just ignored them. Also, there's a difference between too nice and disingenuous. I just got the kind of vibe from him that you get from somebody who likes cuckhold porn. The wide fake smile(real smiles involve squinting, fake smiles don't) the glasses, the parted longish hair covered in hair-gel, the very slight chubbiness. I felt like pushing him down a flight of stairs. I was friends with him at one point, so I already knew a bit about his personality. He was one of those guys that acted nice, but you had to walk on egg-shells with him. He seemed very easily offend-able. Kids used to call him Garfield and he got so pissed off and sad about it. I saw him helping out as some army relief party whatever thing with burgers and stuff. The nervous and almost apologetic way he carried himself annoyed me.


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Are you INTJ? I have a hunch.

It sounds like he has really low self-esteem and poor social skills, and he doesn't know how to be accepted by others. I agree that it's better to be genuine. You seem like you have a a bit of a superiority complex though. Like you need to criticize others to feel good about yourself.

Also, here are some common differences. (again, some of this stuff is stereotypes, but it might still be helpful)

INFPs don't really care about group atmosphere, and almost always prefer to talk one-on-one, where they can be their whole selves. They're afraid of being judged. Fiction is almost real to INFPs. They can spend a lot of time fantasizing about their ideal selves or holding imaginary conversations with people they know. Sometimes they beat themselves up too much over past mistakes.

INTPs feel energized by groups where everyone is discussing a range of different topics and exchanging jokes. Many of them like to debate, especially philosophical topics. They can be selfless, they love to teach others, and they tend to wear their emotions on their faces. INTPs don't really understand their emotions and feel weird about being asked how they feel, unless it's by someone they trust.


With my current situation, I seem to be the idealist INFP.

Maybe I should do these tests again in a few months.


I took some of these tests about 10 years ago, and I used to be INTJ, but I guess I've changed. I got ISTJ now. It's not a huge change, I guess, but it really goes to show that it's possible to change yourself. Personally, I think it's a good change. I still loathe parties and shit, but I can at least function normally without spaghetti all over the place.
That S really made all the difference, I think.


>Are you INTJ?
I flip-flop from INTJ to INTP depending on what test I take. Sometime I even get ISTJ or INFP depending on my mood. I think that I think like an INTJ in that I like things to be organized and that's the way I like things to be done by other people and would like for myself to do, but i'm far too lazy to actually go through with with being organized and maintaining that or any other rigid schedule. I wish I could be more structured and am always getting angry at myself for not following through with plans and procrastinating. It's like there's many facets to my personality. Sometimes i'm judgmental and opinionated and other times I try to be as open minded and optimistic as possible. The only really consistent traits seem to be I and T. That's my main problem with these tests. A lot of the questions also ask about what you actually do, not what you actually want to do.


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Laziness can be caused by many factors unrelated to MBTI type. A lot of people say things like, "my room is always clean, so I must be a J!" But perceivers are perfectly able to be organized, sensors can think abstractly, intuitives can be good at sports, and introverts can have many friends (in fact, ISFJ is the most common type). For this reason you should type yourself by functions, not just descriptions or tests.


Ya, but I fall in the middle or pretty close to it on a lot of things. I like to look at things in the here and now and to understand things based on facts, but I also like to theorize about stuff and think about the future a lot. I just can't decide if i'm sensing or intuitive. I like to plan out projects and stick to a schedule, but I always procrastinate the work I do and have trouble working for a long amount of time. P or J? I'm just not that consistent. I shift based on my mood. How could I like planning stuff out so much while having a hard time keeping up with my workload?
Neither just, "comes naturally to me".


I definitely think you're INTJ.

>theorize about stuff and think about the future a lot

>understand things based on facts
>I like to plan out projects and stick to a schedule
>hates fake people
>I like to look at things in the here and now
>I always procrastinate the work I do and have trouble working for a long amount of time
This is because Se is the inferior function, which means you have trouble consistently using your willpower.


I always get INFP, which seems to be accurate. But for some reason, despite being very moody and emotional, I honestly can't remember the last time I cried, which is funny considering INFPs are often portrayed as crybabies. Even though there have been times where I wanted and forced myself to cry, I was not able to.

Sign is Virgo by the way, which again feels kind of accurate I suppose


I know it's horoscope tier, but I'm interested nonetheless.
So how does one type himself "properly", again?


just start with the free test, like the first search result on any engine


I've taken MBTI all through my life, got INTJ almost every time, except when I tried it at the request of a friend while on DXM and got INTP.

By now I probably know too much about the questions to answer honestly and without bias.
I'm also Scorpio, which tends to fit my personality very well and even my daily horoscope sometimes.
I think horoscopes correlating with behaviour has more to do with where your birthday is placed on a calendar and cultural conditioning since birth to fit the outcomes of horoscopes.
But I'm also open to some spiritual interpretations, since personal experiences.

I wish I was born with a personality type that isn't violently opposed to getting a job.


Astrology has been proven to have literally zero merit to it due to the changing landscape of the night sky and old timings being obsolete. Also, as a fellow, " intj", our personality type is not fundementally opposed to getting a job. Intj is just stubborn about their beliefs and judgmental in general.


I am writing a novel with 20 main characters and took the test as each one in order to understand them better.

I am going to laugh at the hours I wasted when I give up on this project just like all the others.


Have you tried this new thing, "agile development"? Maybe if you write a short story first and gauge its popularity you can make a good decision.


It seems to be at cross purposes with the goal of my project. A large and complicated narrative with a disregard for the audience's sentiments, as well as a subtle drive to antagonize the reader whenever possible. I want them to fear for the characters they like, and brood over the ones I killed before they had a chance to like them.
The end user should not have any influence on the product. I can make it readable, I can even make it enjoyable and exciting, but I will make it a miserable read in other ways.


This project is going to fail unless a miracle occurs


>A large and complicated narrative with a disregard for the audience's sentiments, as well as a subtle drive to antagonize the reader whenever possible.
That sounds really obnoxious and unreadable. It takes a highly skilled writer to both completely neglect giving readers what they want while still keeping their interest and attention. If you're trying to go for the Tokyo Ghoul or Game of Thrones effect, maybe try something more simple first?


See, nothing in that whole "grimdark" family group ever really got to where I wanted it to go. Even GRRM disappointed me at times. I'm really struggling to mix aggression with appeal and a sense of rationality, I want to capture a GG Allin concert in prose fiction.
You're right about the skill level something like this will require. My voice as a writer has served me well so far, but worldbuilding and narrative structure, they have always fought with me. I've got the general storyline marked out start to finish, but the meat between the setpiece moments is going to be tricky.
Whatever happens, I'm not afraid of rewriting. I could keep this on the desk for ten years if need be.


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>GG Allin concert in prose fiction.
I've got some pretty good ideas. Give all of the characters sick, full body, Asian style tats. Make everybody have long, philosophical monologues about anarchism every three pages. Throw in gratuitous, yet still inhibited depictions of violence. Like, you have dead hobos and guys whose heads have been shot, but you can't have stripped naked little girls who have been sawed in half because that's too fucked up. Maybe throw in lots of drugs. The characters should definitely live in a really dirty, ugly city. Bonus points for making it a dystopia novel. Sorry if I came off as disparaging your concept, but those are the sorts of vibes you're giving me. Some more specific details would be nice.


"It must have been a lonely place he lived in, because for every indulgence there was something else he denied himself as a means to the end. He accomplished what he did right here in our faces, in real time, with little help from any tool outside his own mind. These things cannot be denied. Could we have learned more from him if he was still around? Did we learn anything at all? Hope we meet again."
- Joe Coughlin, GG Allin biographer

I look at his concerts as more than a shocking punk show. The uncertainty, the fear, the schafenfreude, the sense of true freedom that permeated the hall for the duration of his performances. The audience and the bystanders were brought to the pinnacle of punk stage invasion. Who's going to run away? Who's going to be his victim? Who's going to riot? And why? It's a very metamodernist before metamodernism existed kind of experience.
Maybe I should try again. To see all the different kinds of rational people that enter an extreme situation, their reasons, and then watch how they behave once they're in the thick of it, this is what excites me. The danger and the negative thrill shape and flavor the experience, with the root of everything not being a catalyst or a demiurge, but still in the fight and making the waves that will drown it out.
The medium of live music has failed to capture the human experience this well, before and after GG's time. I see the same problem with prose fiction. Proust, GRRM, Trumbo, Mailer, Hill, Fitzgerald, Mann, they have had their successes, but they never even came close to what this medium can acheive. I'm done looking for someone to have done it right. Now I'm going to do it myself.


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Leo gang rise up against virg(o)ins


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Russians improved upon MBTI theory greatly and called it Socionics. I particularly like the changes one group in particular is pushing forward, stripping the theory of stereotypes and common misconceptions associated with each type, building on the basics that functions are about perception and processing of various types of information and casting off things that were proposed earlier but had no proof within the theory of Socionics. Too bad there's little information in English available.


>stripping the theory of stereotypes and common misconceptions associated with each type
What revolutionary improvements! And all this time everyone thought that adding more stereotypes and common misconceptions would make things better. Them ruskies really are smart, what will they invent next? Not banging head against the wall?


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I like that first infographic. Online mbti tests tend to portray positive aspects of each type, but in reality geniuses are rare and most people are insufferable.


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>they never even came close to what this medium can acheive
Your entire post reeks off weird misconceptions and filling in misunderstandings with an expectation of violence and intuitiveness, which is a very abstract term for what you find vital in the concerts. You may call it situationist if you prefer the anarchist term.
You would be better off reading late Joyce if you wish for what the medium has to offer, or look at Bataille and his terrible stories.Even better: De Sade and Burroughs. I love Uncle Bill

Still, even if you did reading on them, even if you found benefit in studying them, you're still trying to turn stone into Coca Cola.
Literature, like architecture, is firm. It stays in its place and is dead and unchanging. Build to last. It's impossible to capture "The Human Experience" on paper out of the simple fact that we decay and prose doesn't. It's static. Unchanging unless you change it

Unlike music and your praised live performances. They are inherently unself aware since awareness would only lead to the recognition that they've passed and are closer to the end. Living is like listening to music in this sense and more appropiate for whatever message you care to pass along.

Best regards,
INTJ on cough syrup. I've been sick for three weeks


ISTP/taurine for your data mining. Any good literature on edge cases wrt how the function stack works for them? I've been reading many blogs but nobody talks about where nuance creps in and it's driving me crazy how people seem to tend to making themselves into extremes in mbti forums and blogs.


infp-t, infps should just get aborted, its not worth the mental health strain, fuck existence, fuck emotions


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mbti is not real





back to reddit


>no friends
Born to suffer.


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As primitive as Myers Briggs alone is to judge someone, and as fickle as judging by spectrums can be, if you're not INTP or ISTP or similar wreck'd tier personality you don't belong on an imageboard and are a normalfaggot invader.

>oooh a zodiac faggy thread
>>I'm cancer

It's hilariously awful stuff it is and also data mining.

>>these bum zoomers and gen y's and x's, the ones with INTP and ISTP can't get jobs! Lets train our teachers and police to target them to see if abuse can force them to act differently! Also, market nothing they like!


INTJ every time. I'm not really the evil mastermind type. I think the INTJ descriptor fits me in terms of how I love to make mental models of the world, I love to (try to) understand things as deeply as possible, and to climb to greater heights of understanding. I don't think I'm that highly intelligent, but I certainly love thinking and being in my mind. This is a pretty terrible thing, though, for someone without much money who can't survive in society, because everyone and every thing around me is constantly working to crush my free time and ability to think and consider the world in equanimity and peace.


Pisces here (I see myself as 'high functioning' most of the time). I love dreams and fantasy, and I have huge problems with addiction to movies. I do think I am defined by 'empathy'. Most of the Cancer people I've met have been lovely. Their softness is the nicest aspect to them, but usually really bright and thoughtful, so they're not all mush. For some reason (despite what most pages\videos on compatibility say) the girls I like most are Geminis.


doomer Capricorn?


Mbti only have sense if you research about the functions of each type, focusing just in the four letters is stupid


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INTP-T, Cancer.
Sometimes i just think that i'd better didn't born in this world. Too hard for me.


I am surprised to see so many more Ps than Js.


For the longest time, via the infinite knowledge of online self-tests, I was convinced that I was INTJ.

After taking a formal MBTI battery under the behest of my parents, I tested as being ISTJ. Having investigated the matter a bit further, with the most substantial being a thorough thumbing-through of Gifts Differing, I frankly agree with the prescription of Sensing over Intuititive cognitive preference. Also a Taurus for what it's worth.


I get ENTJ a lot and occasionally INTJ


I used to get INTP/INTJ when I used to do those tests.


I can never be honest with these tests because I know the actions and the feelings I have right now are temporary. This is just a form of mine that can be better. It's not like DID its more like this form of me isn't a person I would want to present to other people because I'm not really being myself.


I fear taking these kinds of tests because I'm afraid if I get a 'bad' result I'll obsess over it and limit my thinking because of some stupid test.


makes sense. Ps are more likely to live in their own heads. Js like to influence the world.


INFP. I used to be super into MBTI, but now it's kinda meh.

I do think it can provide insight though, and is probably one of the better pseudosciences.






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Forgot to attach a file, Jesus fucking kill me please. Anyways, just finished the test.



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I decided to make Le Funni edit like OP did.




INTP-t , Sagittarius
It does provide an interesting system to see how people think, especially myself.


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I'm INTP-t & Sagittarius as well

I don't normally believe in this stuff but its interesting that it seems there's a few of us


ENTJ + Aquarius


INFP - T, although I mainly use functions (Fi - Ne - Si - Te). Capricorn.


>>6584 I wouldn't expect ENTJ on an imageboard.


Borderline with ISFP but when compared to actual F's I'm nowhere near.

A practical personality that still fails to work


We are out here just rare. I'm friendless now for whatever thats worth.


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use the big 5 its better in my opinion


Glad to see all the other INFPs, I love you all. Life sucks doesn't it?


intp-t. typing is nonsense though, you will never get a solid result due to the inherent lack of a single, rigid personality in people. it can be even further complicated by psychological shit like multiplicity.


INTP-A here. op's pic related pretty much sums up what everyday feels like.
when socialization and empathy doesn't happen automatically you really feel how little in common everyone has


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INTP is the worst personality type to have. It makes your life so much more difficult, not twice as hard more like you're fucked beyond belief.

You are always thinking about living in an ideal world but never actually living in the world you are in now. You're good with theoretical concepts but inept when it comes to practical application of knowledge. This basically makes you incapable of doing most tasks or you do them poorly. You can't stand being around other people but are forced to accept the fact that you can't entirely avoid them.

It's fucking exhausting being alive.


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First year I took this test I think I got ISTJ or INTJ. For the next half-decade it was ISTP. Now that I take it again I got INTP (and INFP once that I tried not get to me because this is just a secular zodiac test). The amount of INFPs on imageboards or at least /hikki9kdoomerNEET/ boards explains a lot of the behavior I loathe. The more accurate way to know what type you are is to read the descriptions of the 8 or 10 categories, and be honest with yourself on who you are at the moment, the whole thing reminds me of the Deus Ex AI conversation..
>Wishes there was a war to kill people who have more feelings than him. Good reflexes help him dodge responsibility.
That's me.

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