>>294Hoo boy I hate the porn ad spam. It's always terribly anal/hardcore scenes and shady advertisements for mail order wives. Who the hell do they think they're fooling anyway?
"Shit man, I was looking for a recipe for my sick grandma, but FUCK THAT! HOT SINGLES IN MY AREA WHO LOVE ANAL?!"
I burnt a CPU computer like 8 years ago and I don't even know how.
>>299How did
but how
she didn't
?????/ what
Did she download some kind of music file to mp3 thing and it went haywire and turned everything into .mp3? Holy shit.
>>301She probably tried renaming a file with a .mp3 extension while she had several things highlighted.
>>316computer does not have feelings and cannot comprehend urgency, be kind to butan
>Install Linux only to realize wine doesn't run everything
Happened to me. Been meaning to reinstall a dual-boot on my hand-me-down machine, but haven't got on it yet…
>>331>"I need a cable for my equipment.">ok cool, what do you have and what do you want to do with it>"………… I dunno. why don't YOU know what I have? Just give me the cable I need."oh my god you
cannot be serious
>>333it would be so cool if that story were untrue
but alas
>>343Take their data and sell it to google to get money of their stupidness. Hack their facebutts and change all settings into stupid things.
>2012 + 1>still using Facebook>using facebook in first instanceTake that document that is in the desktop, change it for a bat file that contains some batch prank like
>@echo off>title ANONYMOUS VIRUS>echo. Deleting all data of this computer. Enjoy your fucking aids, you little shit.>shutdown -s -t 3 -c YOU FUCKED UP AGAIN>echo. YOU FUCKED UP AGAIN>echo. YOU FUCKED UP AGAIN>echo. YOU FUCKED UP AGAINNote: Paste a good number of times the YOU FUCKED UP AGAIN but let the "Deleting all data" part be seen. Play with the code, you can add many things as you like.>pause>nul>cls>echo. >goto exitThen change the icon of that file for a normal .txt, with the same name. I also suggest changing the look of the cmd to red/green text so it seems more 1337 and you scare the plebs.
Enjoy your supah hax. Have fun.
>>346Can you do a rollback?
I'm not entirely sure what that even is, but assuming your computer made a checkpoint before you deleted what seems to be important files, you should be able to load from that point. Or at least one not too far behind it.
>>348>>349Aw yeah, a kissu from Booger.
Glad some thing I read about once somewhere helped.
>>345I just saw this now. I love you so much chsr.
>>345>>351M-me too, though knowing how silly I tend to be in committing revenge I'd probably make some stupid Harlan Ellison references and ruin it all…
>A few years ago
>Got new laptop
>Attempt to install Debian
>Hard drive is fucking not there according to computer
>Install Fedora
>Boots only into a Grub prompt
>Live USB doesn't work
>fug dis
>Install ubuntu
One of these days I'm doing to install a better distro, once I figure out what went wrong.
>>353I suggest Gentoo.
>>352>>351So, ok. Less love, more words. Did you do it? It worked? Have you heard any comment about it from another person? any lulz? any variation to the .bat file?
I wish I could do this to some plebs…
>>355No, generally they just want you to send it to them and pay buttloads of money for the replacement.
>>355>literal bucket of bloody acne pusTo be fair, you probably should have returned it as soon as you so the bloody acne pus. Or as soon as you realized it was a bucket, instead of a phone.
>Mother calls and ask if I can fix ancient 10+ years notebook
>K, mom, let me see what I can do
>Turn it on and wait for the boot
>shit is not booting.
>not even BIOS is loading up
>Okay, if the hardware is well, the machine works, it's on, and the BIOS does not boot, something is wrong with BIOS. Considering this shit is older than booger, it must be the BIOS' battery. Gonna check out and discard retarded theory if I'm wrong
>Start unscrewing
>holy shit I've never seen so many screws
>still unscrewing
>35 screws in my table and I'm still unscrewing
>fuck this shit, these fucking chinese people just inserted as much screws as they could just for fun and to shit somebody's day ARGHH I REALLY HOPE THEY GET AIDS FOR THIS.
>There are hidden screws and you have to figure out where they might be
>Finally, after 3 hours of painful unscrew, everything is off.
>When I try to open if, there are more hidden scews
>I fucking want to kill someone
>FUCK THIS SHIT, I realize I can go the other way and through the keyboard and figure out what is fucking wrong.
>hate myself for being so stupid and for not trying this before
>More hidden screws
>Last 2 screws are incredibly tight and impossible
>I manage to take one off before the tip of my screwdriver breaks.
>What have I done to deserve this shit?
>Using everything I can to try to unscrew that fucking bitch
>everything either breaks or does not work
>I realize the whole machine is just attached to that fucking slut
>even the underside, where I started from
>can't do absolutely nothing, and brute force won't work because it's attached to the motherboard and some circuits
>spent 2 days trying to open it
>nothing is fucking working
>Can't be opened
>Can't confirm if theory is right or wrong
>can't fix anything
>buttfrustrated and mad
I need a special screwdriver from an exact seize to try to move it, if it even moves. Seriously, what were these chinese cunts thinking when they assembled this crap?
Over 40 screws, half of them hidden in places where they won't even work, and last but not least, that tight motherfucker little cancer where THE FUCKING WHOLE PIECE OF CRAP is amalgamated.
Like, seriously??? I really hope they lose a finger or two next time they make something like this, if they're still alive.
>>380Notebooks/laptops are to be thrown away after they exceed their life expectancy tbh
They're literally made to be pieces of shit to fix on purpose
>few years back at school
we had all the jazz your own username and password
>used to change my password everyweek for the fun
>got exams coming up
>dont know my password anymore
>not asking to get it changed
>my passwords were stuff like adolfaboartedhiscock - teachername+cancerousfaggot
>used some others kid username and password to make my exams