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/cc/ - Creepy-Cute


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nothing gave me quite the same sense of visceral dread as watching these videos; while im sure that there are some significantly subtler and scarier digital horrors out there, like chezzkids, this one really hits home fo me personally.


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i think lacey games is a great exploration into the horror of girlhood. i haven't looked to deep into the series and im not sure who actually created it, but its very obviously from a female pov.

it's a wonderful exploration into the abuse young girls may suffer from by people (often men) who belittle them or don't care about their wellbeing enough. despite girls generally getting more attention than boys do emotionally, many parents think of it as a taxing process and wish they never had daughters to begin with.

i think the series is wonderful and painfully relateable.


whenever i watch these videos i feel bad for lacey. i wish i could have gone back and saved her…


are flash style ARGS really popular now? i know a bit of flash from years gone by, is it worth making one on real hardware?

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Post Saya.
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So cuuuuuuute ♡


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saya no uta was so incredible, the idea of flesh blooming in the same way flowers and plants do, along with the scene of saya shooting a great array of flowers out from her back has so many implications
horror mixed with sadness and love is such a wonderful combination
the only sort of thing thats given me anything close to the same feeling as saya no uta was elfen lied and subahibi for the same reasons


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shark and hand girl are adorable
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Pumpkin Night


id f uck her


right in the




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This is Mona and plague knight from shovel knight.
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They are pretty endearing somehow, so calling them cute does fit.


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Hi, I'm a hikikomori artist and long-time uboachanner, but I took a long break from the imageboard to pursue my art, and now that I've noticed there's a "creepy-cute" board, I thought I'd share some of my work. It may be exactly what this board likes to see 0u0
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You're such a softie, do words really hurt you?
no place for the weak in this world


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If I may make a suggestion because my own life path is trending here and I've had some experience with it. Instead of being homeless maybe join an intentional community? There's a somewhat time consuming process to join the larger legit ones, but once you start that process it's worth it I think.

The two I'm going to recommend are well established and actively accept visitors, I've visited one of them before. You have to visit for 3 weeks during a visitor period and then if you're chill, don't get into fights with people, and are able to show you can complete the weekly work quota they'll most likely accept you.

After your visitor period you have to spend some time away from the community before returning as a provisional member, they do this to ensure that new provisional members genuinely want to be there, it reasons that if people leave and don't come back then the honeymoon period wore off. This is definitely a challenge when homeless, but you should mention that to them because they'll have advice and some of the people living in communities like this were formerly homeless themselves.

Also, at Twin Oaks specifically I was told as a piece of advice not to get into a relationship with anyone until after becoming a full member. This is because some older members who have been trying to find a partner for many years sometimes get jealous and vote against accepting new people out of jealousy even though they shouldn't and it only takes a few no votes to prevent someone from joining. (Not everything is perfect in community, there are still conflicts but people do strive to be cooperative in my experience.)

Once you're accepted as a member it's very hard for people to kick you out though, it takes a supermajority vote of the whole community. The only time I've heard of people getting booted are if they consistently don't work enough for many many months or commit some crime of physical violence against other members.

Everyone has their own room, a monthly stipend, and community provided healthcare.

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the only thing weaker than someone admitting their flaws and misunderstandings is a parasite like you that isn't aware of how enslaved to their own insecurity they really are :3
if you wanna talk about weakness, look in the mirror sweetie~ ^.^


I presume your post to be a provocation but since legit there are people out there like that, pay heed to my advice and grow some mental fortitude


your art is really cool!! thanks for sharing

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im not very smart

also picture of women

hello yume nikkis
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i threw up :'c


a lot of yomey nekkay aye?


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ye mate


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rei ayanami

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3Ds only in this wacky thread.
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Would wood a woodchuck chuck as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


yea. would


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has anyone ever heard of nana825763's other projects? theyre cute. the characters in them are cute. i like these.

just ignore me. fag passing by. wanting to share cute creepy things because no one else i know likes them

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good time I miss the old internet


interesting. will check this dude out


still my favorite arg creator since like 2012, it's hard to get something that even resembles the creativity of their videos nowadays


always been a fan of nana ever since youtube 666. Their minecraft lets plays were super comfy


I know I sound like an utter normie that I found them out for that Username 666 video, but their other videos that achieve the same creepy effect also works well enough that I like them as whole.

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Little doodle I made today.


Cool drawing! :)

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Post images of your ideal of perfect gf. Mine looks so cursed…love her <3(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)

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