If your going to be away for 3 weeks you can just wright down dreams and post them all when you get back.
Also if your going to be stuck without internet for 3 weeks you mays as have something good to read. You can download my archived and new thread if you wish. No.927
>>926A sizable portion of this thread has already been written, I've just never shared it with anyone. And I mean ANYone. My dreams are extremely personal and I tell _NO_ _ONE_ about them.
Here is another.
>Awaken as Ceasar>Realize several weeks have passed>Find out that I contracted a serious illness from one of the slaves I ate>Wonder where my family is.>Find out from an eagle that in my delirious state I ordered several of them burned alive, of 15, only 6 remain>instant color change everywhere: bluescale>moon turns into a giant eye>blood drips from stars>shadows assume a smokey mix of colors everywhere>Realize I'm in a nightmare>Walk outside to get some air before I seriously freak out>see graffitti: 'Ceasar, the mad butcher' with a stick picture of a man with a huge knife cutting off everyones head>lightning flashes in sky>go into a seriously insane flight of rage>Transform into dragon for no reason! Fly away suddenly! People terrified!>end of dream