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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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Let's post pictures of things that inspire you, or things you want to see/be/meet in your next dream.


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I'll post more later, I don't want to spam.


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apocalypse dreams are the best


indeed they are, but the awakening is always a mess


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In my next dreams, I want to wake up in a world that is eternally stuck in a nostalgic, premonitory dusk. It's a world that is always set right before the end, without ever crossing that threshold.

The world seems barren at first, and glum and depressing - but if you're letting it invite you, it's peaceful, warm and positively carefree. It bewilders you at first, before you realize it's right where you belong.

Maybe it's hard to dream of these things if you've got them planned out that well already.

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