The tree might represent something out of your reach, literally or metaphorically. The people in your dream might just be your brain using memories of recent events, like say people you've seen in the past few days, for some reason or another. Gotta remember that the Freudian nonsense doesn't always apply to dreams.
Have there been any recent changes in your life? Is the tree bearing fruit in your dream? Are you a male or a female (this question is actually somewhat important)
>>654The tree does have fruit of some sort hanging from it but I don't get close enough to identify it. I am male in my dreams. And for recent changes in my life the only thing that I could think of is the loss of my social life. In the past year my social interactions slowed to a stop and I don't really go out and hangout with people anymore. Other than that I don't know of any other changes. Thank you for responding by the way!