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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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Hey guys, do you think there are "types" of dreamers? Or classifications? (I'm sure there's a way to word this better…) Like there being such a thing as a Type A dreamer, Type B etc. Or is it completely special / unique?

I'm more of a slow / detailed narrative / dull colors kind of dreamer while my friend has extremely colorful nonsense dreams (for example).

What would your hypothetical type/classification/whatever be?


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I personally think it would be more unique to each person, but it would be interesting to see if people could be classified!
My hypothetical classification would be similar to yours. I have detailed narrative dreams that seem to make sense at the time. But time to time, I have some interesting nonsense dreams.


My dreams are usually insane, every so often I'll have normal ones, but its always giant basketballs, people turning into venus fly traps, three headed monsters and people dying through phone calls.


Do you enjoy your dreams, because I'd enjoy the fuck out of them. >:


Well, I don't think dreams, in my opinion, are categorized by person, but by what induces it and also what it is about. Like drugs or certain food can affect dreams.

Excuse my grammar or spelling, I'm a bit buzzed right now.


There are no categories of dreamers, just various degrees of sleeping disorders. Any dreamer can have any sort of dream.

There are however several categories of dreams themselves:

- Dreams and nightmares
- Lucid and nonlucid dreams (further divided into wake-initiated and dream-initiated lucid dreams)
- Dreams of clarity vs 'samsaric' dreams (Borrowing terms from Tibetan buddhist teachings. There's no properly established term as far as I know to describe the state of conscious awareness in a dream. Note how I differentiate it from lucid dreaming, as lucidity is defined merely by knowledge of the dream state and not by clarity of mind.)
- False awakenings (type 1 and 2, 2 being a slightly disturbing, intense variation of a regular FA where you merely mistake a dream for reality and go about your morning routine)

I'm sure I'm forgetting more than a few things here.


My dreams are a mix between normal and crazy. They often only end up making me do things that are normal in real life, like walking, small jumps, ect., but unlikely/really messed up plots. Sometimes my dreams involve demons and magic, but they normally never do something that is really trippy, mainly just kind of scary. Like tilting the floors and stuff.

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