Not exactly, but I never have pleasant dreams atleast. I've always considered a proper nightmare to be something I'm genuinely frightened of after waking up from it.
For the most part though, every one of my dreams follows the same rules. They need to have an ominous setting, even if it's just places I've already been to. And there also needs to be a chance to instantly die at any given moment. I have no idea why these two are in literally every dream, but it's been happening for years now.
Watch hentai before you go to sleep.
OP, go ask a professional, that shit ain't right.
>>2264Actually, you should stop jerking off and wait for wet dreams, that will fix your problem. Be ready to clean the mess the next morning though.
>>2265>that shit ain't right.The same thing happened to me a few years ago and it simply went away on its own. What makes you assume it is something worrisome?