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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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Dreams have always been kind of weird for me.
I tend to have dreams all over the place, I dreamed a lot more as a kid, and I don't that much now. If i do, I don't remember.
Thankfully, I haven't had any nightmares recently.
But my dreams are very realistic, as in, there things that could happen in my real life.
I've had dreams where my fiance left me, or we had a huge fight, or dreams where I just can't find him.
Last night I actually had one of these dreams, I was at our soon to me graduation ceremony, and I was doing some random preparations. The only reason I see for this is because we graduated just last month.
But anyway, the whole dream was just that I lost him in the crowd and couldn't find him.
I have a lot of dreams like that.
Thats not to say though I don't have good ones, I recently drempt of our soon to be wedding, which was lovely.
I guess you're seeing a pattern eh?
Yeah almost 100% of my dreams have my fiance in them.
Probably because he means so much to me!

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