Dreamwalkers and netwalkers may find this book extremely helpful.
James Hillman - The Dream and the Underworld
His background is in Jungian analysis but he separates from Freud and Jung's propensity to interpret dreams literally - he sees that as losing them in translation. He advocates a feeling approach and speaks on mythic memory, much like TS Eliot and Joseph Campbell.
http://www.amazon.com/The-Dream-And-Underworld/dp/0060906820/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1385668253&sr=8-1&keywords=dream+underworldExplorers of varieties of dreamworlds may be interested in the Tibetan bardos, James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake" (beast of a book, but it's a dream world not unlike YN games), and the media theories of Marshall McLuhan, who was inspired by Joyce and wrote of media technologies (radio, tv, he died before the internet) as states of consciousness. One of those guyss SE Lain should have introduced us to along with Vannevar Bush and John C. Lilly.
P.S. Y'all know about lucid dreaming and astral projection, rite?