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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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Have you ever had a nocturnal emission, /yume/?

I haven't.


I think I've had orgasms in my sleep before. I woke up feeling afterglow, and having a memory of the event but I didn't consciously experience it so I don't know, maybe it was just a weird dream.


Plenty of times. I'm surprised you haven't experienced one yet… Wikipedia says most people do at least once in their lives. I don't think these are as elusive as lucid dreams.

I wonder if wet dreams can be incubated like lucid ones. I guess there's no point if you can just masturbate.

Well good for you OP. It's uncomfortable to wake up in stained, wet underwear.

That being said, I always know when I'm having a wet dream. As a wave of intense pleasure washes over me, I become aware that I'm having an orgasm, which causes the dream to end instantly as I scramble to the bathroom, trying to contain the ejaculation so that I can keep my underpants clean, usually unsuccessfully. I've never slept through the orgasm to find a nasty surprise in my underwear in the afternoon/morning.


Yes. I think it's less likely to happen if you masturbate occasionally.


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If I don't masturbate for a week or more, there's a high chance especially if I seen some lewd manga or art before sleep.


No. Could someone who masturbates once a day ever have one?


Not once have I ever had one. I don't even remember any sort of sexual dream, actually.



Are you a grill?


How would one even know if they had had a wet dream?


Once, the orgasm woke me up actually.

Worst part…. I was 12


Never even came until I discovered lotion at 14.


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Since I don't masturbate, I get them all the time. Bit of a problem when I forget to put underpants before bed.


Haven't masturbated for five days. Hoping to have a wet dream soon.

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