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/yndd/ - Yume Nikki - Dream Diary

New board for the 2018 game.

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File: 1540459248619.png (513.26 KB, 1806x842, whatisthis.png)


Is something going to happen soon again?


File: 1540466036280.jpg (84.11 KB, 1200x628, 478.jpg)

I think it will be either new update either something we can't foresee.

Or it will be nothing new, they're just trying to be edgy and cool. But I want to doubt that.

Or this is due to weekly 50% off http://yume-nikki.com/#p1. But that's equally lame as nothing.


I'm hoping for an update, though just-doing-it-to-look-cool is probably more likely.


I bet that's for getting attention on weekly 50% off. They were spamming about this everyday on different languages (which may appear as "corrupted" and edgy too, I think).
Maybe I'm just overthinking here.

Or are they having 50% off because there will be some new content soon? I hope so… Otherwise I'll be disappointed more than I already am.

Also the first tweet on OP's pic is Base64 code (I assume). I've tried to decode it but, man, jap characters encoding is killing me.


Viral marketing is so obnoxious.


since the last line is reversed you can assume the b64 block is also reversed
too tired to reverse it myself but someone with an image-to-text can do it


File: 1659819934254-0.png (7.94 KB, 198x165, 1524437531753.png)


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