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/yndd/ - Yume Nikki - Dream Diary

New board for the 2018 game.

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Better than the original in every way. Filled with nuance, substance, mechanical depth, atmosphere and incredible music. Truly a masterpiece.

SUPER NASU is the game of the century, and I look forward to seeing what crazy tech the boys cook up. Good job Kadokawa lads, give yourselves a pat on the back and a slap on the ass.


I really hate that somebody's opinion could irk me this much


Relax he's just baiting. Nobody likes this game.


Super NASU is a masterpiece tho



The title of a topic is nothing short of provoking.

Though, I must say, the reworked soundtrack is quite charming.

And yes. Whoever made YNDD deserves some credit at least for making THE MOST BORING GAME-IN-GAME IN THE DREAMVERSE into something relatively playable.


No. Absolutely not. Nasu was deliberately dull to show how done Madotsuki is with real life, to a point where even escapism like video games is boring to her. Her dreams are the only escape she has left. Making Nasu a semi competent game is the dumbest shit ever.


Super Pang is gonna blow your fuckin mind


>Making Nasu a semi competent game is the dumbest shit ever.
Imagine being mad at this, of all things.
Out of all the legitimate things to be angry over in the game, out of all the actual oversights and loss of nuance or subtlety, this is what you choose to be angry over.


Even the little things reflect upon the maker's mindset.


I never took NASU as being much of an influence upon the original game's atmosphere though. I think making Super NASU was probably one of the only "upgrades" I actually really liked.


I remember when i first played Yume Nikki, when the NASU console dissapeared in dreamland, i actually thought the game was cursed (NASU.exe) and that was why it was so downright dull and bizarre that it creeped up into Mado's mind or some shit and infected her dreamworld.
It being deliberaty dull probably isn't a design decision though, you are probably embracing your head canon a bit too much here. It's just a little minigame. Do mind the game was made in 2004.


>It being deliberaty dull probably isn't a design decision though, you are probably embracing your head canon a bit too much here.
Don't say that, you'll destroy uboachan. The whole fanbase is predicated around everything in the game being super deep.


>Don't say that, you'll destroy uboachan. The whole fanbase is predicated around everything in the game being super deep.
t. newfag.


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realtalk, that "t." thing is pretty damn stupid and I'm not sure why it hasn't died yet


t. dank


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you have no idea


If I piss you off more, will you make more oc?


It's not like it's in my top reasons that DD is bad (saying it's "the dumbest shit" is obviously hyperbole). However, I do feel that Super Nasu is a clear indication that the DD devs had no appreciation for the subtleties of YN, and it's the first thing after the prologue that let me know that. So I do kinda resent it.
>It being deliberaty dull probably isn't a design decision though, you are probably embracing your head canon a bit too much here. It's just a little minigame. Do mind the game was made in 2004.
I'm inclined to disagree and say that it's too little a thing with too much work put in for it not to have been included for a decent purpose. At the same time, I know you're probably right. We all give Kikiyama way too much credit. But because the original YN means so much to me, and because that meaning is so specific, I knew I was gonna have these kinds of nitpicks regardless of the quality of the end product. I was really dreading this release.


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eh, I'm not pissed off, cuz these days I'm kinda not capable of feeling much anymore in the first place. if my shitposts are appreciated for some reason I can keep doing em though


I feel this entire comment so much it's a little scary.


I'm enjoying this quite a bit. And now I want to have a George Costanza shirt. I'm thinking silk screen, buttonless T.

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