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Food you suddenly want to eat due to Yumi Nikki or one of its fangames

I want to make these so bad

I blame Doodle


Broken glass candy is pretty fun to make, I made it for halloween..
You can actually get splinters frmo it though, it hurts like hell..



There are some cool ornament cookies that include that glass-look as part of the cookie. I really want to make some for Christmas this year. This kinda stuff looks easy enough for a moron like me to accomplish.

I'd like to do some cool Yume Nikki and fangame food related things in the future. I almost did the Kyu-kyu treat in >>177 but because of time issues I ended up making a cake instead >>405

If I do make the cupcakes above I'll make sure they have blue frosting and red sprinkles xD


I can't think of any food that I want to eat because of Yume Nikki/fangames right now.
But, whenever I see a rusty pipe, I kind of feel like biting it. XD
.flow pipe cake needs to be made!


I keep seeing pictures of Tokuto-kun popsicles and I really want to make some badly.

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