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Oh sweet! A softdev board! Hello.

So, what is everyone working on?


…Nothing ;A;


The fangame where you play as a Toriningen (you will be able to select which one).

But now it isn't going well. First, I intended to use the Tsunagari tile engine. But it's development isn't going well lately, and I would need to rewrite so many things in it, so it wold be easier to write a new engine from scratch.

Then, I had an idea: make it semi-3D, like the DS Pokémon games. I've found a suitable 3D engine, made the first test level, made a Toriningen playable with lots of Mado spriter running around the map. Then, I got fed up with the overly object-oriented nature of the engine, and realized how painful is to develop something complex in C++, especially for me, who started with Assembly and C, and used it most of the time.

So scrapped this concept as well, and now I decided it will be definitely remain 2D, and started to code a new engine for it. It's based on SDL, and coded in Assembly (and a bit of C). So far, not only works faster than anything I had before, but it's a child's play to develop compared to that object-oriented nightmare in C++.


Right now I'm working on my "Baby's First C++" project. It's a zombie game where you build a base and and fend off zombie hordes lead by either Necromancers or Liches and Lich Lords.

After the fifth stage of each round you enter the intermission stage in which a Merchant riding a bison comes to sell you a finite amount of materials, some of it just being pure junk.

Art first, code second.


Online game using LWJGL that's a cross between Maple Story and Sonic. Integrates platform adventure with role-playing elements.

Rest assured that it will never be completed. Also I hate Java.


The general consensus is that most people hate Java. It's convenient since you only have to compile it once I guess.


procrastinating on image processing homework

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