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Alright, Favorite Rider? and which was yer first? My favorite was Fourze, but my first was W.


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I think I relate most to MA-HA for the extents he goes to justify his passion, but also very strongly to Ryuki for how he handles his hopeless situation.

My favorite over-all to watch though is W, it does exactly what I want toku to do for me most of the time. Show me an emotionally intriguing story, make me laugh, and have a big climax all in the same mini story arc. I also really strongly idolize both Phillip and Shotaro, they are very ideal personalities to me.

Also, care to Skype Lumanare? mine is platinumrad


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I am still new to the journey through the decades we call Kamen Rider, but my favorite so far is Decade. I relate to Tsukasa in so many deep, feels-y ways. The most notable of which being: Most of my recent years were spent trying to find a world I belonged to, trying to find who I am and what I stand for. Izumi was responsible for showing Kamen Rider to me, and it's, with no exaggeration, literally changed my life for the best!

The first I saw was technically Gaim, but I only watched the first episode and had no idea what was going on, much less what Kamen Rider was. My first actual completed series was Kamen Rider Decade, at Izumi's recommendation.(Though I started Drive first, but I'm not finished.)

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