What is the deal with Obama? First, He opens up all the borders and grants Amnesty to millions of immigrants who can't even speak English with his pen, he eliminates the voter ID requirement for presidential voting, now he forces the National Cathedral to have an ISLAMIC service, while this is nothing new, due to there being Jewish, Buddhist, and even Hindu practices in the Cathedral, but this is the first time it had a service for Muslims! Why hasn't anyone tried throwing out Obongo and his pen set from the office, and reelected a new president? Because he is turning this nation into a Dictatorship! By heredity, he is a Muslim, It's even in his name!
Fuck this, I'm moving to Canada.
>>2948The New Testament is the ultimate red pill.
>>2953Not really.
Here's mine. Like Nam I used to be farther out, though more on the social end than the economic. Being exposed to more and more of those who are represented in our republic, however loosely, and realizing how utterly retarded and apathetic toward any sort of important decision-making has made me a lot less trusting of the concept of democracy, but at the same time I'm also more aware of how likely central-planning would be to make things that much worse, how it already is under the pretenses of "democracy". So, I'm really not that passionate one way or the other anymore. I'm kind of surprised I'm even this far out.
I remember taking tests that compared your opinions to those of your country's political parties, and I would usually end up agreeing with libertarians and constitutionalists the most still.
>>2956>constitutionalists Which when I look at their site doesn't make much sense.
I think the party I most agreed with after those was the greens, it made me seem politically schizophrenic.
Also hivemind ho~
ITT: Communist hippies
>>2958What a horrible combination.
>>2958Communism is a good idea, except it is never going to work in the real world, because people are flawed. This applies to most extremist/utopian philosophies.
Why am I replying, you're probably just trying to be le funny
>>2960because you are trying to look le intelligent even if communism was always a failure.
I find this test surprisingly manipulative in its wording.