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File: 1408122559526.jpg (318.65 KB, 1500x1136, Field trip bento me.jpg)


So after I left college my eating habits have changed drastically. Or at least the way i think about them has. I used to do little cute bento because they were delicous and made all my friends jealous of my cooking skills. No it's mostly whatever is in the house and sweet.

I've been trying to get myself back into the healthy eating habit but it's been kind of hard. Any one else doing anything similar?


File: 1409100357162.jpg (851.27 KB, 3264x2448, DINNER.jpg)


today I actually had motivation to cook instead of just pretending to bring a half-assed thing to work for lunch and then giving in to fast food.

Combine http://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2012/06/miso-glazed-skirt-steak-there-is.html with a ramyun thing and this is what I ate. Pretty healthy, low sodium, low sugar content, VEGETABLEZZZZZZZZZ

10/10 would recommend.


Also watch Chef John's videos. He is a God.

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