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I'm not really sure how to structure this post. I got back from practice just over half an hour ago. My form is getting less shitty as time goes on, and I'm starting to get used to the nunchucks now. I've been only been at at a few months, and even though I'm still pretty awful is significantly better than I was when I started. I can practice longer and more intensely, and I can kick to my face level now. Seeing progress is great, I want to keep going. Teacher wants me to compete in a tournament in late July. Gotta keep practicing.


Went to practice tonight as well. I learn some more nunchaku movements. We will start learning the form properly soon. Full contact sparring will start in earnest next month. I'm exited.


That's pretty cool man. Good luck in the tournament.


Just got back from practice a little while ago. Teacher had me work on my side kick today. It's getting better. I practiced on on of those mannequin punching bags things for a while, then I broke a board. That was kind of cool, it was a good way to illustrate what proper form can do. I practiced nunchaku stuff with one of the more experienced students for a bit, and he commented that I was much better than when I started. That was nice. I like seeing myself improve, and the cool thing about martial arts is that is so vast, I'll always be learning.


Not much to report. I've been working on my form and nunchaku techniques, making some progress. Teacher expects me to begin learning a more advanced tiger form soon, and we're set to start full contact free sparring next month. I'm pretty psyched.


It's been a little while since I last checked in. I have been practicing as usual. Things should be getting interesting soon, we start sparring seriously Tuesday night. I'll have something that's truly worth posting then.


I went in to the school today, apparently no sparring tonight. Maybe later this week. I've started to learn to dual wield nunchucks, so that's something.

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