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I leave my wallet at home most of the time because I know if I take anywhere, I'm going to buy a lot of useless shit.

Et toi?


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>et toi

En ole yksi heista.


my cheapskate genes prevent impulse buys 80% of the time, but sometimes if the item is something I actually need and have wanted for a while, I'll get it

I got an ottoman for my computer desk last month, it was half off and my feet are on it right this second


My husband took me the antique mall close to us the amount of useless shit I needed was off the roof

I'm so bad about impulse buys sometimes. Luckily we didn't get too much time to look around as it closed in an hour. We only got to see about 1/4 of the store.


Goddamn Finns and your stupid beautiful language.


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Mutta… en ole suomalainen…



Goddamn Finnish speakers and your stupid beautiful language.

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