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Is anyone going to watch scary movies this year? What are your favorites?

I'm going to watch The Shining next week, as it's one of my favorite movies. I'd like to watch Ghostbusters as well, and maybe Young Frankenstein (if it is shown on TV). I usually watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show at some time around Halloween, too, but I've never seen it in a theater.

sorry for not completely related picture


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There should be an uboachan stream session, voting for the scariest film we can find, it would be so much fun.


oh man
oh gosh

I would love that. I don't have the means to do a stream, but someone really should.


acquired a shitton of asian horror and a few classics to marathon on halloween, or rather on the weekend after, since I'm too busy with school. But hey- that means ~discount~ halloween candy to consume all day so i guess it works



I vote for anything with Sarah Jessica Parker in it.

Seeing her in itself is horrifying


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The day before Halloween - Halloween 3. Enuff said.


As someone who really loves the original movies, this movie gets too much flak. It has some really creepy parts. [spoiler]the kid puts on the mask in that test chamber
That ending is pretty good too, did not expect that.



Personally, I think it's more about the hammy acting, shoddy overall plot and cardboard evil guy. Still decent tho imo.

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