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File: 1329186034127.jpg (34.97 KB, 500x329, liberty-prime.jpg)


That big robot's just so damned badass.


It's been a while since I've seen that thing stomping around, but I think I remember liking his action-hero movie lines.
I like President Eden better though….Does he count as a mech? XD

Picture is spoilered in case you haven't finished Fallout 3.


File: 1329216171014.png (Spoiler Image, 208.2 KB, 421x298, clearly.png)

I forgot to spoiler… (O_O)


Yeah, it was awesome talking him into self-destruction.
Wait, if you manage to get to see Liberty Prime throw mini nukes, it means you'va already been past Eden, no?


Well…yeah. You're right about that. x_x

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