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It's apparent that this /pol/ is pretty much just mocking the other more.. infamous political boards.
Is there any chance of an actual debate/discussion about politics on this board?




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>Liberals are retarded
>Democracy doesn't work
>Israel shouldn't be an autonomous country
>Bans should be put on immigration
>Feminism should be outlawed
>Gays should be persecuted

Take your pick and lets discuss. You are going to find nothing but extremism on an anonymous political board.



Well of course if you focus on that shitheap you'll find nothing but bad things to say.


>This guys views go against my own. I can't possibly comprehend how he could believe in that. He must be joking.

Typical libtard


And when did I imply any of that?


I interpreted your post as saying that all those things are bad. I apologise if I was wrong.


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It's alright then. These things happen, and it's better when mistakes are worked out.


So you just did what you accused him of doing, then.

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