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Tell me what unpopular views you hold. I'll start.

>Gays are a abomination

>Multiculturalism is a failure
>Welfare is wrong
>Facism works
>Death penalty should be given to all criminals
>White nationalism appeals to me


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>in a legal sense, women should be treated as objects/property
>women should not be allowed to vote
>women should not be allowed to go into politics
>atheism should be punishable by death
>european governments should go back to a christian monarchy under a catholic Kaiser
>porn should be outlawed completely
>gays should be executed using a three strike system, like Iran does
>communists should be executed immediately, whereever they pop up
>socialized health care should be abandoned completely


>Nuke Jerusalem → prevent religious fights over it
>Kill everyone → prevent suffering and spread equality


I swear if this is serious I will attempt to put those plans into motion


Isn't that the same plan as every Final Fantasy villian ever?


Cliche, but it works.



>Let's have a troll thread. I'll start.



People with extreme views automatically = troll thread






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>Anything else than Scandinavian
>Implying you are white

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