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/trash/ - Trash

Garbage Threads

Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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Could you at LEAST make a politics board for this person? I'm biased because they had been banned, you keep deleting their posts, etc. All they want to do is help, and I can't take it anymore.

And why had you banned their topic? This person clearly WANTS TO HELP. Just GIVE THEM A CHANCE.


thats not a user, that is a deranged spammer who has been spaming 4chan and alt-chans going on a decade now.


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Who is this anonymous angel and why is he telling such beautiful truths?


That would be me lol

>user/deranged spammer who has been spamming 4chan and alt-chans going on a decade now
They made me unsure because they had posted their rallying cries on thirty other imageboards and those posts kept being deleted when they're actually talking about criminal offences, tactics, health problems, red herrings, etc.

There needs to be a hidden 'politics' board on any alt-chan for this guy.


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>sites need to cater to 1 or 2 deranged polispergs and spammers.
how about no.


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best character


This. Give those creatures an inch and they'll take a world. No community is safe if they're allowed to fester.


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Does arguing about anal sex count as political? No. I mean I’m against anal too but this guy needs medical help. I think he has some anal retentive issue or latent passive homosexuality and his method of dealing with these repressed urges is his anti-anal crusade.


it is when you imply you want "someone" to do "something" about it, like who is gonna do anything? individuals? no itd be some Govt body.


See the "Banned Topics" section of the rule page.


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I genuinely tried to get through to anal lad on multiple imageboards over the years it's impossible. Not to try to get him to stop believing what he believes but simply to realize that spamming like he does doesn't get him anywhere and it'd better for him and everyone else if he moved on and put his energy into something generative. Doesn't really matter what it is, doesn't even have to be public facing. But this guy could have made a great ynfg by now or hell, some 4x strategy game like dominions or something with how obsessive he is. Anal lad if you're here, go make your magnum opus, because it's not threads on ibs.


https://xj9k.neocities.org/ only seemed to pick up every post from this site, but not others for strange reasons.

>that subject is the only banned topic
For somebody wanting to make clear something should be addressed? You may be calling them "deranged" but I check both of the threads attached in the original post, especially regarding administrative interference or "in any case; nothing about me matters. There are much more important matters here that people ought to focus on". In all cases, I AM NOT SURE on this user but all they want to do is help, and I really want a special, hidden board for them just so that you stop deleting their posts.


Wait it wasn't just a really unfunny bit? Poor guy. Maybe taking femboy pill will help, or perhaps some good old fashioned antipsychotics


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Everytime I check /ot/'s catalog you keep deleting this guy's posts and reporting it to https://xj9k.neocities.org/ when I want a hidden board for them. Seriously:

https://uboachan.net/ot/catalog.html > https://uboachan.net/ot/res/27408.html > 404 error

You need to stop reporting their posts and leave them alone 100%. Make a hidden board for them. This person clearly WANTS TO HELP. Just GIVE THEM A CHANCE. There are much more important matters here that people ought to focus on, and this is how you repay somebody that's CLEARLY not a "deranged spammer" in any sense?

Please, make it stop, right now and make a hidden board for them.


Nobody ain't reporting shit to xj9k, that's a scraping bot. Go write THEM an e-mail.

Also no, he ought to read the rules, this is not a nursing home.


Anal Avenger-kun sure is persistant. He has to be crazy with how obsessive he is.


Mister anal spammer, please get the hint and just leave.


To be frank, I am not that person, but a person who believes some people deserve to be here, some don't. Like the person I had been addressing over and over. You added a banned topic when from what I figured, deleting a post they make is making them feel more worse due to misinformation. This had gotten out of hand due to valuable info, stuff that was inaccurate. I mean, this is too much to handle.

I stand by how they
>"probably have created a thread about these matters on more than 30 sites over the years"

This matters, I don't want you or anybody putting up a wall against this person. I've read what they had to say in https://uboachan.net/sugg/res/3877.html

They are clearly not deranged, and I can't take it anymore with how many times you delete a post from them on /ot/'s catalog, so at least change your mind about the situation.


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>They are clearly not deranged
AA has spammed some variation of his screed for a decade plus https://archived.moe/_/search/text/The%20traumatic%20risks%20of%20receptive%20anal%20sex%20and%20large%20anal%20insertions%20include%20anal%20and%20rectal%20tearing%20(any%20tear%20may%20persist%20as%20a%20chronic%20anal%20fissure%20or%20anorectal%20ulcer)%2C/page/8/ to various porn boards on 4chan like /gif/ and /hc/ board, when banned he sought out alt-chans to spam, that's deranged behavior man. i dont how else you'd describe those actions.


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I don't really have a problem with the anowhatever topics, I actually think anal is gross, but in like "just not my thing" way. it's the way he presents and the way he conducts himself them that makes me think he shouldn't be allowed to post.

He is essentially a radical activist, not different than a feminist, a preacher or an environmentalist, and the way he behaves reflects that, his mission is to get his agenda pushed, this website is for the discussion of entertainment with a side of mental health, not the place to shove in politics, activism or religion.

See I used the word "shove" because of his relentless persistence with his pamphlet, he just uses one png with a huge wall of text that he reposts over and over which is extremely annoying to even interact with if I wanted to be part of the discussion.

He doesn't want to discuss the pros and cons of anal activities for mental health, he wants to convert you to his anus violence task force, when he's told this isn't the place for such activism, he proceeds to spam the shit out of us. He reacts like a radical fanatic.

It also raises concerns about his own mental health, he is clearly obsessed with his cause, I don't wanna feed that.

tl;dr I think the topic is okay, but the way isn't.

So no, no sympathy, ban him harder.


This is why we are getting a deleted thread from the same person via https://uboachan.net/ot/catalog.html

Either a hidden board or a spam filter should help in my case, but I prefer the former because you kept deleting the user's posts.

>It's the way they present and the way they conduct those themselves that makes me think they shouldn't be allowed to post

This is concerning, while they're essentially a radical activist, is
>The way they behave reflects that, their mission is to get their agenda pushed when this website is for the discussion of entertainment with a side of mental health;
>The relentless persistence with using one .png with a huge wall of text that they repost over and over which is extremely annoying to even interact with if I wanted to be part of the discussion, and doesn't want to discuss the pros and cons of that text
This looks like either misinformation or there's no in-depth of pros and cons in the text. I've never seen proof in the image.

I feel this matters, if there's a problem with that, please let me know ;)


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Nice try, anal warrior. Consider addressing your own matters yourself, lol. Please and thank you.


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bro is DEFINITELY aa lol


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>This looks like either misinformation or there's no in-depth of pros and cons in the text. I've never seen proof in the image.
There's probably tons of in depth pros and cons and compelling arguments in the walls of text, but again, they are not the way to go about things.

I mean, look at the conversation right now, had you presented your ideas in a wall of text AA style I wouldn't have bothered to read you and your post could've been deleted.

It's inconsiderate and shows a big lack of forum ettiquete, my recommendation to AA would be to adapt to new ways of starting conversations.

Start small, with one line, a funny meme, a webm showcasing one to five pieces of data, treat people like we're retards, because we probably are, most of us don't have the attention span to finish writing ou


Interesting discussions you guys have going on. Perhaps try posting it on depvana.com too. There is no censorship there.

Not sure why longer texts are frowned upon here, maybe admin can fill us in?


Disregarding readers confort when you are the one needing them will make them not care, if AA was instead just a game dev with no activism and presented his messege with a wall of text he'd be ignored too, so no matter the reason, a wall of text is ugly to the eyes and hard to digest unless you are already invested in whatever it is about.

You have to share your messege in a kind way if you want people to humor you and read the rest.

See, if AA didn't exist and instead I went to /ot/ like, "hey guys anal stuff bad because X and Y, thoughts?" with a silly meme or something the discussion of why anal stuff is bad would have had a place, maybe not taken too seriously at first but at least it's not current situation.

If you don't think AA is sharing his information in an efficient way, you can just ask him, hwat progress has been made since he started his crusade?


I'm getting sick of deleted post after deleted post over and over again when I checked the report list had updated yet again; please take note.

Please consider that we seem to be in a war in regards to someone else's posts getting deleted for far too long, or I am in one.

No, I am not that person in any way possible. I had pointed this out a couple of times. Although I'm talking about a user who posts wall of text around thirty imageboards, I'm not that person, but a person who has become sick of moderators deleting their posts on /ot/ and pointing out the chaos that I had dug up.

>adapt to new ways of starting conversations
A lot of people do adapt to this. Pretty much a good point indeed, but the person in question made walls of text which lack this.

>there is no censorship there
Let's go into this. If you seen the link to post #3877 in my original post, chances are that you've seen Seis say "we don't want your topic here. I don't know what happened to you in the past to make you care this deeply about this particular subject, but this is not the place for it."

I have no clue what happened overall but the current situation is problematic because they kept reporting the same user when:
1. They posted walls of text in thirty different imageboards (not spam because I don't believe this is a "deranged spammer" by all means and the user stated it's "wildly inaccurate") and as you said, it's been a decade
2. To be more specific, either a hidden board or a spam filter should help in my case as an important matter. I like how the filter works well, it's awesome, and a couple of sites have got this filter too :)

Thanks for mentioning my posts!

I've read a lot from several posts and I don't know why mods like you had been deleting this user's posts on the fly. Like I said, it's a lot to take in and I read many posts quickly to the fact that it kept hogging the /ot/ catalog as some sort of garbage data.

Speaking of memes, here's one to cheer you up:

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