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/tori/ - Toriningen


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toriningen boobs board


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we miss you polymorph


Do each Toriningen have their own names, or are they all just "Toriningen"?


jus toriningen


"Toriningen" is quite literally..


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I approve.


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Toriningens are super sexy! If you beat up Madotsuki you can join our club!


If you insist..


Oh so *that's* what that party is…


That's quite a dilemma!
Mado or the Toriningen??
What should i choose?


Shhhhit son!


>one creepy girl who stays in her room all day and writes in her diary
>lots of hot girls who go to parties and have fun

Yeah that's a really tough decision!


You will never lick that hot tight toriningen belly :(


Only normals would think that was an easy choice.

The toriningen are probably all like, annoying skanks or something. Mado needs love!

So saying >>1 is really hot.


>>67 The toriningen are probably all like, annoying skanks
They are, and if you spend too much time around them you become one of them.


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toriningen are not skanks


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they are all


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classy ladies


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lol jk


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Oh…they're not so bad…


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I love the Toriningen
They're such bizarre yet unique and kinda fascinating charas :3


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moar toris!


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For a second I thought that toriningen was holding a noose D:



>They are, and if you spend too much time around them you become one of them.

Maximum boner.


pls spoiler nsfw images
and give sauce pls



File: 1322611741859.jpg (Spoiler Image, 783.07 KB, 1111x800, ponyningen_by_mogasaki-d3j….jpg)

Here you go guys!! I hope you like it. ;D

sweet sweet pony chest


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Reposted the image, but make a habit to spoiler nsfw materialz, k


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i used to laugh so hard at this




good times
i'm still laughing



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Some from the archive.


Toriningen boobs board.


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You'd have to be some kind of monster to mock up a toriningen for a 3D sex game.
[spoiler]Can't find a matching shirt, and I'm too lazy to edit the texture files.[/spoiler]


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Nothing against Toriningen small boobs right?
Also, Toriningens are awesome. That's all I have to say.


my new favorite post


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what if toriningen tits are lopsided



then they run in a slight curve when they chase Madotsuki around


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you're my favourite person for today.


Curse you Toriningen! Making me fap myself into the inescapable room of Y U FAP TO THIS!

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