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/tkki/ - Yume 2kki


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File: 1370416345021.png (10.78 KB, 640x480, what in the shit.png)


So hey, since it's pretty clear that they're going to keep updating for a bit, let's make a new thread for it because >>1260 is getting a little long and clogged.
Here is a translated version of .10a, done by urotsuki-is-my-dream-girl of tumblr.

I haven't gotten a chance to take a look at it yet, but there appears to be some new areas and 10 - count 'em - 10 new looping bgms. This screenshot seems promising, though.


File: 1370418818470.png (87.76 KB, 642x482, newarea.PNG)

the wiki talks about some of the new areas, and this version brought into existence one of my new all time favorite areas, the Radiant Ruins (i went there like six times and memorized the road to it so i can go there whenever i want)

there's also some doors with eyes on em blocked by a WIP sign, i can't wait to see what's behind them. (but then again i remember being super excited about what they would do with cardboard cutout world, and even if they didnt particularly add anything bad cutlery world da bomb they just didn't reach my expectations. and i dont even know what i expected.)

pic is a screenie of Radiant Ruins. but the picture isn't the best part. the music is.


>what in the shit.png
my thoughts exactly


File: 1370481414022.png (9.84 KB, 638x477, cake effect was a bad idea.png)

maybe she shut herself away because she was so embarrassed of the people screaming fraud


That really looks like Goatse.


File: 1370607496490.png (47.77 KB, 720x603, Screen shot 2013-06-07 at ….png)

I can't tell if it's my monitor, or it's supposed to be this dark in the game, but I noticed the building inside the Radiant Ruins is actually in alleyway. The Abandoned Factory leading up to Radiant Ruins is too dark to make out details too but there's nothing really interesting there besides a better view of the fungi effect. I used the rainbow effect to walk around but I just edited this to be brighter in gimp.


You can see the map with RPGmaker without the tint effect. It's easier than editing it all with gimp and such.

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