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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

Site meta-talk, help, suggestions, and moderation discussion

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File: 1318442456347.bmp (416.47 KB, 435x326, You Suck.bmp)


Oh my GAHHH!!!
"How the HELL do I protect my trip?! How do I reply to specific posts?!! WHAT THE HELL IS "SAGING"?!!!"

The above may be seen in many places if we don't get a REAL FAQ like Ponychan. I had to go to EFFing PONYCHAN, to find out this shit! (humor, XD)

Read it and weep, and then get us a similar FAQ for Uboachan…please, DX.

(picture referring to Uboachan FAQ)


How does markup work on here anyways?

I try [i]italics[/i], but it doesn't work.
And I bet [b]bold[/b] doesn't work either.
I have no idea how it works on Uboachan.


How about you stop being a poncy faggot and just post without worrying about how your post looks.


That, at least, IS in the FAQ.

I agree it's really pathetic, but why should I update it if nobody will read it anyway? I see questions here often that are already answered in the FAQ.


I can do that. XD
But I try to do what I can to get my…uh, "emotions" across, since it's hard to tell if someone is being mean or if they're just joking. =)

If you say so.
It's just that when I first posted on Uboachan, I knew practically nothing. And the first place I checked was the FAQ, and I found pretty much nothing.
Of course, that could have been the wrong place to look though, XP.


File: 1318478338356.png (287.44 KB, 609x578, 1316084773696.png)

>mfw this thread

Posting on ubuu assumes you have some prior experience with other chans, since it's, you know, an obscure chan.

Alternatively you could actually read the faq instead of posting asking about things that are on it making it look like you didn't read it to begin with.


Yeah, sorry. I really over did it with the OP. =(

I actually just wanted to suggest putting some more info in the FAQ (after all, this IS the suggestions board).

Really, sorry for the OP. I feel like an ass. (-_-)


Or learn like I do on chans; by seeing if the post failed then rushing to delete it like a mad man.


Good advice.
Funny too, XD.



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