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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

Site meta-talk, help, suggestions, and moderation discussion

Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1535392588274.png (312.62 KB, 622x475, ubuuhistoryclass.png)


This is the Uboachan Wiki, https://uboachan.wikia.com a community effort to help new users lurk and learn more about this imageboard.

If you're new to the site, take a minute to visit the general posting guideliness:

Also, don't forget to check out the rules of this imageboard:

The wiki contains events of Uboachan's history, guideliness for a better user interaction and tech service help for fangames.

This project was authorized by Writer and it's still in early stage, if you want to contribute, make sure to read the guide for editors here:

The guide contains essential tips for your article to be objective, neutral and not a meme circlejerk.

If you are still intersted, respond the questions in the first post ITT, and an email with your answers to:


The purpose of these questions is only to know if you're the right person to edit in the Wiki.
If you're approved, you'll receive a confirmation of your user privileges.

1-How long have you been browsing Uboachan?
2-Which other imageboards do you use?(If any. You won't be required any personal info about your online profiles or activity)
3-Do you have expertise in formatting and making content readable?
4-Why do you want to collaborate?
5-What's your Wikia username?


The first email had a typo, it's fixed in this post's email field.


I would, be I ain't got time.

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