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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

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I use the recent posts section of the main page to view updates to threads I had recently participated in.
It can be difficult though because it doesn't mention what thread the post is from, only the board.

Currently it's structured like this


What ends out happening is I have to click on all the links to find which one I had posted in because there is not indication which posts belong to what thread.

I think the recent posts section should be


That or remove the "Recent Posts" section entirely and replace it with "Recently Updated Threads".



1- Most thread don't have a name, if we did what you suggest we'd end with something like this
Which is even worse.

2- /recent/ is there for something, you know…


What about what it currently does for tabs? the tab for this thread says:
/sugg/ - Yo. I use the rec…
Could do something like that.
The recent posts section could be kept, just add a recently updated threads below it.
This is something that I'd like to be easily seen. I just open uboachan and close it almost immediately when I see my thread hasn't been updated in. /Recent/ is too cluttered for that and requires lots of scrolling to see what threads have been updated.


I'll think on it. Maybe some improvement can be made.


Ah. Thank you very much.


How's that? Each row has a link to the thread and a link to the individual post, and the thread link when moused over gives the full name of the board.

Working in the name of the thread is possible but more difficult because of how the software is written.


Not trying to force you to implement this or anything (I'm just asking because I think this would be something nice to have), but is it possible to make the front page redirect you to the [last 50 posts] of a thread if the post counter is =<50? That'd speed things up with loading long threads.


The last 50 posts feature isn't working at all for me currently so this will require some digging if I do it.


Thank you very much.
Just the numbers is fine. Just seeing what posts belong to the same threads is more than enough.
This makes it much easier to quickly drop into the site. Thanks.


Maybe a structure like this:


It's just an idea.

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