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File: 1385219622173.png (187.05 KB, 1920x1080, 1385219395_2013-11-23_1920….png)


* How would you unify the Uboachan Classic and Uboachan Gray site styles into one style?

* What would you change in both to make them more pleasing to the eyes?


File: 1385222333954.jpeg (88.45 KB, 1588x1091, why-dont-we-have-both-903….jpeg)

Why not have both?
And have a cookie stored on the one people choose so that when they return it's on the one that they prefer.


Oh grammar.
I meant to say that I think it could be possible for a cookie to be stored on the visitors computer / smartphone that would automatically change the presented theme to the theme that they last used.


are you fucking kidding me

the current style switcher sets cookies and does literally exactly what you just said



Yep. In fact, if you didn't have your cookies enabled, you would only see the Yotsuba B style.

As for the thread, I don't know. I enjoy how ubuu kills my eyes.


So why is this a problem, can't people just use other themes?

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