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/psy/ - Psychology

How does that make you feel?

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File: 1347251802492.gif (68.66 KB, 127x118, Angrydome2.gif)


I'm depressed
I've got a bad case of the Mondaze


File: 1347253310134.gif (490.3 KB, 984x1048, neverending.gif)

Get used to it, anon.

This Monday has Only. Just. Begun.


>Moving this thread
>Not outright deleting this shitty thread


>mods delete too much shit!
>mods don't delete enough shit!


If the thread is /b/-level or otherwise worthless/retarded it should be deleted


File: 1347497414770.jpg (10.86 KB, 400x295, no.jpg)


define /b/ level, pls.

The last time I deleted a /b/ level thread, I got lectured about the difference between "good shitposting" and "bad shitposting".

Just don't shitpost. ^____^


The lock option exists so shitty threads can be taken down without being hidden from people who might want to see it.

Deleting anything that isn't illegal, a bot, or a simple thread move feels like damage control; makes the mod look worse than the guy who started the shitty thread. Don't do it.

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