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/mono/ - Monoko/Monoe


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Hey, Are monoko's pony tails supposed to be arms? I've always noticed the ends look like fingers in the game but have never seen it in fan art.


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yeah they're supposed to be arms i think, i see them draw the hair as arms in a fair amount of fanart though.


Oh sorry, I just haven't seen it really in any fanarts other than that specific one.


But if they were supposed to be arms, why doesn't her hair have thumbs?


her other 5 arms are anime, and her hair-arms are American cartoons, so they only get 4 fingers


I totally think they can be even more hands, it would just fit in with her extra arm-thing very well.

Okay then?


Hey, have you all noticed at the musical tiles room… they have a pattern of Monoko?


Pics or it didn't happen.


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I think you may be right. Although it is easy to shrug it off as 'just a face', but I'm going to go with not a coincidence.

Notice the line on musictal tile world's face that looks like Monoko's blood mouth. Also the thing on the tile face's head could be an arm. The eyes are different colours too making them look crosseyed.

It also looks like a giant sperm…raperaperapreapreparepapreparparpeperprpepprarpppparappa


looks more like additions to the aztec human-like or monkey-like art to me…



is there a thread anywhere of just these things


A lot of maps are on the Yume Nikki Wiki. I just googled for some of them. If you have RPG Maker installed you can view all the maps there.


Monoko: Hey, wanna join my… ARMy? Hurr hurr. *Ponytails high-five each other*


Not arms, but obviously she was raped.


←- /t/ is thataway


Or maybe since she was apparently in an accident, she lost her thumbs on some of her hands.


I just realized, it's not anklets or toesocks.

It's leggings.


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Mother of the gods…



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Once you know her secret you will not live long.







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100 hours in MS Paint, huh?


I want to fuck her so much.


Too harcore, dude.


Less pussy for you (?)

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