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/mono/ - Monoko/Monoe


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File: 1330433454758.jpg (28.89 KB, 480x480, 98edf3e736161212a9264b8.jpg)


I don't know why but I really love this couple :"D


Why the fuck does this topic exist?


So that people can post cute pictures they find of this couple?


Because fuck off. Let people have their ships.


Thank you.


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File: 1330500610233.png (294.45 KB, 700x614, 18198233_p3.png)


This is too sweet… You just gave me diabetes.


>>148 are people really shipping monoe and a corpse


Well, people can DREAM, you know


why do people get so offended over defending their ships

it really is a dumb ship. really.


Well I like it. I mean, the game is so scarmbled, its not like any pairing at all would make sense, lol~ Except for maybe Seccom x Mado. Either way, I think it's funny that people get butthurt about pairings they dont* like. Like, shut up and scroll to the nex thread.


…Did anyone ever get offended?
Pretty much all Yume Nikki ships are crack. A girl who disappears for no reason is pretty much the same amount of importance as a corpse in the road.


why the fuck you have to turn EVERYTHING into moe shit waifu material


I didn't draw any of this stuff, I just like the ship. If there was some less animu-ish art of this ship that was well drawn, I'd love it.
It's just that all of the art I can find is animu-ish.


It does help that YN is a Japanese game. I'm willing to bet that the artists of, say, 75% of the fan-art come from 2chan.

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