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/mado/ - Madotsuki


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Why does everyone obsess over Madotsuki having a knife? You act like it's the most important thing in her life, like she's obsessed with murder and cutting, when this is never true. Hell, I'd say that she's afraid of the knife, since it's tucked alone in the middle of a massive, dark void. Nearly every version of Madotsuki either has her as a crazy knife-weilding psychopath, or weilding it in defense. It doesn't really come in handy in the game very often, either. If it held some crucial role, I'd understand, but it doesn't.

TL;DR, I'm tired of muh waifu being called insane.


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My friend, she stabs the shit out of EVERYTHING. The only interaction the player can ever have with the game is by stabbing things. Is basically walking and stabing simulator.


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The bicycle is the most important thing in her life. *ching-ching*


If nothing else works, you use knife to see what happens. Usually nothing else works. If it can't further your adventure, kill it.


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because its fashion and trendy, all the edgy teens like bloody teen gurl w knife


>she stabs the shit out of everything
>The only interaction the player can ever have with the game is by stabbing things
So does the player influence the stabbing, or does she? There's no part in the game where you crucially NEED to stab things to move forward.
This is also up to the player. In fact, more often than not, stabbing leads to disturbing/frightening areas, such as Uboa's trap or the pathway to FACE. If she really enjoyed murdering people, and took pride in it, she would dream about good things happening when you kill things. It seems more like, if anything, she only uses it in self defense and/or is extremely frightened to use it.
This is the most likely reason why. Everyone wants Mado to fulfill their psycho-waifu fetish and/or is an angsty teen who wants a rebellious edgy girl who kills everything.
That's more like it.


>>This is the most likely reason why. Everyone wants Mado to fulfill their psycho-waifu fetish and/or is an angsty teen who wants a rebellious edgy girl who kills everything.

Woah, no, just no. How did you even come up with things like that, it's a really childish way of thinking.


Then you explain to me why Madotsuki is often portrayed as a 2spooky4u psycho killer, if not because it's what fans want her to be.


I always thought she looked pretty cool with the knife effect. Would be nice to see more art of her with the other effects though.


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Just like waifus themselves, the character of Madotsuki is entirely unique to the individual. The only way of communicating with most of the dream world's residents is by knifing them, and because of this (as well as what seems to be a total lack of hesitance when she does so), some people see her as a knife-wielding psychopath. You don't have to, by any means, but other people may choose to do so if they wish.

I personally see her more fond of Towel, but I guess that's just me.


mado was raped with a knife(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


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There is the cat effect, in case you've forgotten.


I played through the whole game and used knife effect once.


Before I found the cat effect I used the knife on one of the creatures in front of the door because I thought I had to. I felt really bad afterwards.


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It's one of the more interactive effects. It also changes the behaviour of most NPCs, often drastically (toriningen)

>what is stabbing room

>what is entrance to kyuu-kyuu-kun's staircase

the NPCs that don't run from you (because they can't) will have their animation sped up (indicating a paniced state). You can stab or threaten away NPCs that block your way, and get money, for what it's worth.

I don't sense any sort of scruple from her using the knife, either. This is why you can actually *kill* NPCs. The knife being located in the Dark World makes sense insofar the idea of using knives is either so remote inside her head––or that it's the proper place for that idea to be, in her darkest thoughts.



>User was banned for this post

Top Lel.


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because you can stab, you must? that seems very much up to the player.

also not true since a lot of the other abilities have actions that allow you to interact with the world and with inhabitants.

i agree w/ op.


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*ahem* yume nikki is first and foremost a flute playing simulator. The entire game is based around the different areas in which she played her flute. I know this is true because there is an effect called the Flute, which can be played in all areas. All enemies, NPCs, objects imagery and music is of course related to flute playing by proxy. All of this is pure fact.

The knife is a metaphor to show how sharp her playing is, obviously. I don't know how you could possibly misunderstand that. All of you need to brush up on your flute playing and then maybe, just maybe you'll understand.

tl;dr people are dark and edgy and prefer knives to flutes, even if they may as well have the same degree of importance


Because most of us as gamers are used to kill everything in sight.

Because agressive females are hot.

Because mado is fucking crazy.

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