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/mado/ - Madotsuki


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this game isnt even fucking scary you gay weeaboos.


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Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens


Who the hell said it was?


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>this game isnt even fucking scary you gay weeaboos.

Look at your hand.


We never said it was scary! We like it because it's weird! And as for being a weeaboo, I'd like to see america make a game like this!




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Im not BEING IRONIC i just actually shat my pants when i saw uboa man you just got no idea son


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On this week's episode of Getting Cabooseblasted Over Things That Never Happened…
>And as for being a weeaboo, I'd like to see america make a game like this!
You're not proving your point you fucking turbonerd.


>this game isnt even fucking scary

I agree with this statement. On a scale of 0 - 100, Yume Niki is -100 on the scare scale.

>you gay weeaboos

Speak English. I can't understand you. I'm a happy WHAT, now?


Who ever said Yume Nikki was supposed to be scary? It's supposed to be a surreal adventure you can get lost in.


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idk I think Yume Nikki's pretty creepy. I wouldn't say I get scared playing it, but if I'm alone or it's dark it definitely sets me on edge. The combination of strange ambiance and eerie creatures weirds me out. But that's why I love it.




Its not even scary. If you get scared playing this game them you really need to grow some balls.
Its strange, yes. Scary? No.


FACE is pretty scary. I honestly believe the hype about Uboa being scary is actually just to hide the fact that FACE exists so it makes you shit yourself and think you've somehow broken the game when you encounter it.


Frankly, the reason I liked it in the first place was because it wasn't trying to be outwardly scary like .flow, it was just vaguely unsettling with how unusual things were, kind of like a weird dream.

Oh wait.


Its hard to be scared on the computer.

If I were bundled up in my bed and could play again on a PSP or DS. Oh my, that'd be great.


i don't necessarily think the game itself is scary.
but when i try to think about the intentions of creating a game like this, i can't help but think there is more to it than simple nonsense.

remember, someone (i suppose i could refer to Kikiyama specifically) had to dream up this strange world, and live through this seemingly simple-yet-bizarre game inside their own head. what do you think creates such a twisted thing inside someone's mind?

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