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/ig/ - RPGMaker / Gamedev

RPGMaker Help and Indie Game Development

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I tried to delve into making RPGMaker meme games but i literally can't create a tileset. Whenever i fill a tile and save it with Paint.NET/MSPaint it messes up the colors or some shiz and the tiles appear transparent in-game. GIMP works but i'm not comfortable with it and it takes ages to boot up.
What do?


If you can't do that you'll also run into like a million problems later and nobody will want to help you solve all of them. Learn the program first and then make the game. Watch a tutorial.


In paint.net when you're exporting your png set it to 8-bit


Stop using RPG Maker 2000 or some shit, upgrade to MV or VX Ace.


If you're making a game in RPG Maker 2000 or 2003, get Aseprite and make 256-colour images in it. (It has a free beta on the official site.)

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