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/ig/ - RPGMaker / Gamedev

RPGMaker Help and Indie Game Development

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could anyone please explain to me how to program an effect (using ruby open source) or the rpg maker code structure please?


Your topic is too broad. You are better off looking up an existing tutorial than hoping someone here will write one for you.


Google it you dickhead


OP, have you checked the catalog yet?
I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of threads already explaining how to do that.


It's a thread from October 2017. I'm pretty sure OP already found his answer-


Ah hell, I didn't see the date.
But why the fuck was this bumped on the first place?


File: 1525108817759.png (29.1 KB, 1350x692, PURGE.png)

Because somebody doesn't know how to sage.

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