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/ig/ - RPGMaker / Gamedev

RPGMaker Help and Indie Game Development

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It's cool, we all know how to make a game but…
How do you share your games to the world? Do you have anything planned?

inb4 no




I fucking give up.


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The best you can do is to post in sharing sites and make people interested in your game, showing the best qualities of it through videos, images, and generally being active on the development and SHOWING THAT SHIT to people (Because, you know, if they believe your project is abandoned they won't bother in checking it). Now, the problem is that the western indie world is terribly ruthless, specially for those who use RPGmaker. Unless your game fits the trend of the month, it will hardly be noticed, regardless of the quality and category. I've seen this many times, even with people with mad skills like the dev of Gnosis.

Now, actual advice from what I've seen: if you manage to catch some attention, you have to be quick with that an realize what did actually make those people follow your progress and exploit it to its fullest. Do you draw nice pictures? People liked them? POST MORE. People like your music? POST MORE. People like your mapping? Make some nice maps and show them. You have to make the player feel like they want to play your game. It's the most basic rule of marketing. This activity akin to fanservice is what ultimately catches attention and makes people get interested in your game.
And here's where the shitty part gets in: even if you actually do this things, the final factor interfering in the equation and deciding if you're going to be successful is nothing more than luck. If you aren't working on a game that is some clichéd trend likely to drag tons of attention just for it, that's it.

If you do this, maybe you won't be able to get big, but at the very least you will manage to catch some fans/people honestly interested in your work, which in my opinion is better.


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I planned to come back to uboachan and post the link to my demo.

Today is the day, anons! I had to take a 3 year break from this fucking game.

This is my story of being NEET since 2007:


Put me out of my misery; I can't look at this thing a moment longer.

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