This thread made me smile.
I ate a lot of salsa today
>>972 Thats freaking awesome. You're rocking it hardcore.
>>957 Salsa is amazing, tonight is Taco Night at my house and I will be stuffing my face with it.
>>978She is so cute! I would love to have an animal!
>>979Good for you! It's good that you are developing artistically! You are becoming better and it looks good.
It rained and I would actually smells like spring outside.
>>978 Holy duck thats awesome. Maybe you could ask the board for help? I would suggest Mousse because I'm, a huge weeb.
>>979Ooh so lovely! And its great that you decided on a major- not knowing is rough- I spent 8 years getting my bachelors because I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do.
>>982I love that so much.
>>972Also you seem like just the kind of person who would vibe well with be, do you have a Skype address or get on IRC?
>>996Damn. Good for you!
Mine is still being processed…I feel guilty for being a leech on society, but It'll be a huge relief if it goes through.
>>1008>The faster and more hyperactive the better because it drowns out any negativity with its constant pounding pulse.I know this feel
I think it's an ADD thing. I have to be listening to speedcore or something similar if I wanna get anything done. It keeps my mind from wandering.
>>1009Yes, and skype is probably the best way to reach me. However, I don't want to post that information where everyone can see it, so please contact me at the email address I created above. Obviously, please be sure that I can tell you are the sender of the email.
>>1008That sound so great, I'm excited for you.
>>1013I feel guilty too, but I will still look for stable employment that works with my mental health. The DVR in my area is trying to find me work from home that doesn't require talking on the phone jobs.
Izumi, do you still want to contact me? I know you wanted to get in touch with me but I feel like it never really came to fruition for whatever reason nature has decided.
>>1103I suddenly had a lot of stuff I was going through, I'm on Skype right now tho so I'll just add you
>>1103I just emailed you because I cant figure out which one is you.
>>1105Sent request on skype.
my dog died this morning
>>3009…and that's a positive thing?
In order to keep my family closer together, I've recently started to enforce a rule that prohibits computers in the bedroom and started to make a family computer room where everyone has their computers at.
I've already moved one of my computers over and so has two other family members. All I know is that kids shouldn't have such unrestricted access to computers (especially the internet) and even adults shouldn't be locked up in their rooms. That much I know I can work on for my own kids if I have them.
Plus my family IT work is massively simplified. I might even just rewire my cables so I can move the router and modem closer to the computer room.