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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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So I made a cringe video as a joke years ago and it got viral, I get tons of hate because of it. I was never a good social person, I always had trouble getting along with people my age since elementary school. I don't know if I should let the hype for the video die (it's been like 3 years but people repost it) or make a youtube channel to come back at them and make the new video go viral so they forget the older one, I really hate the video it cringes me and I feel uncapable… like I feel the video being viral empowers the people that bullied me. Right now I am a NEET again as I finished doing something, I am unsure if I should get a job now or get a month of vacations… I think being a NEET worses my mental health since I don't get interaction with many people and I spend all the time online.


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They hype will eventually die out, so I'd say just don't pay attention to it and move forward. Haters gonna hate.

Also testing if any other boards outside of /test/ would let me post anything and not give "your request looks automated" error.


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This is the first piece of advice that you'd probably expect, but please genuinely ask yourself what can you do to change this videos circulation; is there any way to prevent it from going viral outside of making a response i.e has your private info that protects you from it being reuploaded? If not then as the other anon I'd advise riding it out, and putting the haters out of your mind. A response video will most likely backfire, and make people assume that you only made it because of 'butthurt' feelings rather than a genuine desire to move on, and therefore have more material to work with or make fun of you, and this is sadly exactly what creates laughingstocks for people. Genuinely blows that people don't move on from shit regardless, but be careful when planning to respond

when did Ubuu start doing that? I never had that issue


What nature was the video exactly?


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>They hype will eventually die out
that is what I thought but they keep re-sharing the video… I wish I made something way funnier or did not even made the video in the first place. But I will try to ignore, it's just the hate I recieve is kinda xenophobic and it makes me sad.
>therefore have more material to work with or make fun of you, and this is sadly exactly what creates laughingstocks for people
yeah this would make me become a lolcow unfortunatelly
>Genuinely blows that people don't move on from shit regardless,
the video is cringe, was supposed to be ironic but people assume that is the real me and it pisses me off because it flies through their mind and they assume it's real … if i knew it would go viral I could make way better content thats what pisses me off
me thanking a person in the most "autistic" way possible. My face does not appear in the video and its not of sexual nature thankfully , just super cringe and dumb. I made it when I was a minor and thought "wow this is so funny" but now that I am adult "yeah I hate this I am so stupid"


>when did Ubuu start doing that? I never had that issue
Just now actually, yesterday or the day earlier


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Had to deal with "automatic-looking" request error for a while now, but the issue has become more severe after software upgrade. And apparently I'm not the only one having it.
> they keep re-sharing the video
Soon they'll find something else and eventually forget about whatever you made. Just give it some time.


>Had to deal with "automatic-looking" request error for a while now, but the issue has become more severe after software upgrade. And apparently I'm not the only one having it.
Are you still getting that error? I was the anon who initially complained about this issue on /test/ but the pop-up messages stopped appearing for me now. Maybe Seisatsu silently fixed it


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Still do, but a lot less frequently, and it usually being fixed by disabling my funny userscript before posting.

Maybe Uboachan doesn't like thread auto-update thing the userscript has.


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thank you for your optimism you sound very wholesome have a nice day fren, would also like to thank the other anons that gave advice.

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