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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Who are neets going to vote for in 2016?

Donald Trump is the meme candidate but Bernie is offering free shit which is good for neets like us.




Go Trump go! Exterminate all the NEET!


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It's a beautiful day to VOTE for TRUMP and POST in UBOACHAN


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Good thread, we'll be watching.

Sincerely, the ubuu elite.


If Trump wins I'm on the fast track to leaving the country.


I am not american, I can't vote for Trrump


Trump. Obviously.
It's pretty great how Soros tries to mob supporters on live television, rallies people to kick and scream and block ambulances, thinking it won't just alienate the center and drive them toward him.


If I had a nickle for every jackass who has already said that. I will have a nice laugh when Trump wins and all of you are still here.


And I feel very, very sorry for all those unfortunate enough to not have an escape route from the inevitable martial law enforced plutocracy that would emerge from that government.


I don't know where you people get this from. It seems like 99% of people who hate Trump haven't listened to a word he has said.


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"dude weed/college lmao"

contemporary politics is kuso tire anyway, WHO CARES

t. angsty suburb teen from the 90s

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