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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice

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Finding other neets to relate to feels impossible. On discord all I seem to find is normies wanting to “retire” it should be a separate distinction from “neet” I can’t fully explain this it’s hard to articulate do normies annoy you taking over neet spaces then turning it into another echo chamber of rules you have to follow socially? Even though they want to remove themselves from the rat race.


What sort of rules?



Nothing annoys me more than seeing normies take the label of neet/hikki as a stand-in for their lack of any discernable inner-substance – they think being a hikikomori is cute and wear it as means of an identity, to seem special as it were. It's demeaning when it happens since – as you've pointed out – it becomes impossible to connect with others in any meaningful way. The experience and subsequent hardships of the condition is lost to the vanity of the crayon-eating masses.


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like autism, methinks

everybody and their mother just sticks it in their bio to make up for their dreary lack of personality

which, speaking as a full blown retard, really pisses me off


"on discord", sorry but genuinely what does this mean? can you search for random people to talk to through tags or something now? how is it that you're running into supposedly so many normies like this that describe themselves like this, I'd want to make actual neet friends too because normalfags are always thinking it's some psychopathic thing to not leave the house but I'm also too afraid to search on my own and haven't tried anything yet, what is it that you're doing so far?


Having some neet friends would be nice

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