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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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I've been unemployed for about 3 months now because of my worsening chronic illness. Even though it wasn't really my choice, I still feel like a loser and a drain on the world. I'm still studying a bit and working on my programming skills, but I feel so lonely and isolated no matter what I do.


i'm in a similar position, and i've been here many times before. i think finally i'm going to order some nitrogen off of amazon and put myself to sleep. i have nothing more to offer anyone


Not just trying to give generic advice or anything. I don’t know the extent of your situation. But generally the world has been cruel to neets/hikkis in some way that has prevented their normal development in life. The autistic unemployment rate is over 80%, it shows that the autists really aren’t at fault and don’t owe anyone anything. There is actually something fundamentally incompatible going on that individuals have no control over.
I’m saying this because you don’t owe anyone anything except maybe a family member who has cared for you where society has failed. If there’s any value you can bring yourself for your own fulfillment pursue that instead and don’t measure your worth based on value to the world that has likely rejected you since childhood like it has me.


i will admit that made me feel a bit better. it is probably healthy to admit there is a lot out of our control. it's not like i'm really hurting anyone. maybe i feel like a disappointment but i can't really control what others ever expected of me.


I'm glad I could help at least a little bit, from one neet to another.


in the same boat more or less. NEET by definition for 3 months, but only recently has the term re-entered my mind
probably because i have lost the ability to speak to strangers. even online. just cant hold a conversation for more than 10 messages. took 30 minutes to write this reply. anyone else do the same thing?

>The autistic unemployment rate is over 80%
probably not that high but i know from experience its higher than normal. shit like this is why i am never getting a diagnosis. you get made the target of assholes with positions of power and backwards ass beliefs (they are the real parasites of this world.) i would steer clear even if it helps you get less impostor syndrome

yesyes this could've been a new thread i got carried away again ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌


>even online. just cant hold a conversation for more than 10 messages. took 30 minutes to write this reply. anyone else do the same thing?
Yep. I just really can't think of what to say and no matter how I say/word it I get worried I will offend people. 5 Months now too, I've barely had any interaction but I've applied to about 10 jobs. Pretty much lost all hope though. I used to be pretty extroverted before I got sick haha.


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>even online. just cant hold a conversation for more than 10 messages
that's why you gotta have shared interests, there's fediverse spaces about niche topics matrix.org chats discord groups.
im not a social person to begin with so im satisfied dealing with people over text or voice chat instead of face to face.
been a neet since i dropped out of school at 18, never looked back no regrets.
anyway, dont top yourself the world needs weird n eccentric types.


>shit like this is why i am never getting a diagnosis. you get made the target of assholes with positions of power and backwards ass beliefs

It's not even just autism diagnosis anymore, even people with generally bad social anxiety or any mental illness that requires them to take medication are being targeted. I don't know where these hate groups get the information to target you, its as if hospitals are selling their records or are being stolen by hackers. It doesn't make any sense that they try to drive you further into madness either, if what they're originally upset for is you not being part of the work force. Could just be the upper class trying to keep those in poverty stuck in their position


>even online. just cant hold a conversation for more than 10 messages. took 30 minutes to write this reply. anyone else do the same thing?

>I just really can't think of what to say and no matter how I say/word it I get worried I will offend people.

Same, though I don't really blame myself for it. I just have zero interest in the common normie topics like the latest TV series, celebrities, and mainstream politics. Hence I have a blank mind when people talk to me about this mundane bullshit. Not wanting to come off as ignorant or detached from reality, I just reply "uh-huh, yeah" most of the time.



This is totally me, I feel so uninterested in just about everything, japanese porn is alright tho LOL


>took 30 minutes to write this reply. anyone else do the same thing?
Over the years it's increasingly taken me hours or days to make a single post because I'm afraid of there being something stupid in it that'd aggro angry replies towards me, or that I find it to be lacking substance or sincerity through poor vocabulary and therefore making me look stupid or shallow. With those two factors compounded by depression it locks me up, and for over a year now I can hardly speak to anyone without sounding like I'm mentally challenged or not even finish a single sentence and suffocate on my tongue.



Same here. I think it's because socializing is a skill that needs to be worked on and covid/social media fucked my entire ability to form relationships with people. I always feel like someone is going to fuck me over as soon as I trust them. Better to just be fake and don't tell anyone anything. I also feel that most conversations are filled with meaningless stupid shit just to fill the void. >>8008


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Something very similar to this just happen to me hours ago in a call with friends that ended up boring. Not trying to sound like the last cocacola of the desert, but trying to find someone interesting that don't talk about "normies" (ᵈᵒⁿᵗˡᶦᵏᵉᵗʰᵃᵗᵗᵉʳᵐ) topics or similar feels impossible, to the point that the conversation just die in minutes, with the feeling that you just fool yourself.

>even online. just cant hold a conversation for more than 10 messages. took 30 minutes to write this reply. anyone else do the same thing?

Same thing to me. At least it seem is more frecuent that i think.


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to be honest the best strategy I found for getting out of this kind of rut everyone’s talking about is getting horrifically obsessed with something. Chances are, you’ll find a community for that thing and be able to go from there without ‘normie’ topics interfering. I’ve got a friend who, if the conversation dies, will IMMEDIATELY start talking about VTubers and it’s honestly a relief because i get to hear about whatever mad shit they’re up to + no one’s asking about the weather or anything. Small talk like that is saved for being stuck in an elevator or a bus being late.

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