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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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File: 1651420349285-0.jpg (538.65 KB, 791x1024, NEETzine Vol 11024_1.jpg)

File: 1651420349285-1.jpg (168.9 KB, 791x1024, NEETzine Vol 11024_2.jpg)


I'm starting a NEETzine. Help me create the next one! https://neetpride.wordpress.com/2022/04/29/neetpride-magazine-volume-1/


This reads like some antiwork pamphlet instead of something about/for us.


What would you say are the differences between anti work and NEETpride? There's so much overlap. The biggest difference seems to be whether you use imageboards or reddit


This board is for hikikomori. Many of us feel trapped in our circumstances rather than proud.
None of us are proud of our crippling mental illnesses. At best, we claim NEETpride as a cope. Have you even looked around this place, or did you just hear about it from one of your readers?
Hikikomori means you are a NEET, but being a NEET alone does not mean you are a hikikomori.


I like the idea of this kind of magazine but I don't like the execution with all the buzzwords and whatnot. The whole "normalfag/normie" shit is just a dumb, rude mentality. Being NEET is rarely a good thing and shouldn't be reinforced. Don't get me wrong, most work is soul-crushing and barely enough to survive (especially nowadays), let alone thrive, I agree.


He seems to just embrace NEET literally; not being in education, employment or training. He seems pretty normal aside from being unemployed and his obsession with this fact. He has even been homeless and been fine, even advising NEETs to be homeless for a month as a “boot camp”. He does not really come across as a typical NEET, more like a regular individual who is unemployed and has latched onto the NEET subculture.


Try an altchan like zzzchan or fatchan for your message.


What is there a problem with antiwork?
> we claim NEETpride as a cope
lol no its not a cope if all of a sudden a neet were to get money for doing nothing they would have absolute neetpride. DUnno wtf you are talking about
>Being NEET is rarely a good thing and shouldn't be reinforced
Absolutely it should be reinforced if you are a neet and can get away with staying that way you shouldn't be ashamed for it.
I think the homeless boot camp is a bit retarded but the rest isn't so bad. Just because you suffer cause you can't work as a wage slave doesn't mean all of us want to be like you self-flagellating retards.


Are you even paying attention? We are HIKIKOMORI. Not just NEETs, we are NEETs by extension but we are hikkis first. We are not proud and are suffering due to the fact that we are not NEETs by choice, but due to the fact that we cannot even leave our rooms due to mental illness.
You seem to just be a normie that is a NEET rather than one of us, we are not just quirky people who do not work, we are mentally ill social failures. There is nothing for us to be proud about. Should we be proud for having a mental illness so bad we feel forced to drop out of society? But nah, us pretending to be superior to cope with our isolation and issues totally is not a cope akshually.
You can be proud to be a NEET because you are not one of us. We are hikikomori. You are someone who is unemployed and found a quirky cool label


>We are HIKIKOMORI. Not just NEETs, we are NEETs by extension but we are hikkis first.
Ok, we are talking about neets specifically. Also as far as being a hikki thats shitty.
>We are not proud and are suffering due to the fact that we are not NEETs by choice,
So then you are a normie that wishes to enter the work force and be considered a health paying member of society?
>we cannot even leave our rooms due to mental illness.
Thats being a hikki we are discussing being a fucking NEET.
>You seem to just be a normie that is a NEET rather than one of us,
I don't want to be apart of society its shit and I avoid it at all costs if possible.
>we are not just quirky people who do not work,
Ok? Who said any of this matters. I agree fake neets and so on might think its good.
>we are mentally ill social failures.
I don't consider neets to be social failures if anything society has failed us.
>There is nothing for us to be proud about.
Yes, there is that you are not apart of society to begin with. You are not or at least doing the least to help society continue.
>Should we be proud for having a mental illness so bad we feel forced to drop out of society?
Who said being in society is a good thing to begin with. Regardless yes if you have a mental illness you should be trying to make that better but being a NEET is not a mental illness.
>But nah, us pretending to be superior to cope with our isolation and issues totally is not a cope akshually.
Being a hikki if you dont like it is a problem. It sounds like you wish to be apart of society and contribute to the shit that has made you that in the first place. I'm specifically talking about neets. You sound like some failed normie who wishes they were working a shitty fucking mcdonalds drop till they are 50yrs old when they finally off themselves.
>You can be proud to be a NEET because you are not one of us.
lmao i'm proud of being a neet because I put up with so much shit for being one for the past 15+ years. I'm in my 30s now btw.
>We are hikikomori. You are someone who is unemployed and found a quirky cool label
Ya, I'm not a hikki i can leave my house anytime. I'm just never going to work. Also who is talking about hikkis anyway this isn't specifically hikki board its a NEET advice board.


You are a fool, this is a place for hikikomori. You are complaining that I am saying something that is posted in a refuge for hikikomori does not appeal to hikikomori
>this is not a hikki board this is a NEET advice board
It is literally called /hikki/, the posts relate to being hikikomori, most of us would likely identify as hikikomori and need I continue? Have you looked around this place? Most of us use the term NEET and hikikomori interchangeably


i understand that but its still NEET related. If it was purely hikki board they would just be hikki which entails just being hikki.


As I said, hikki and NEET are usually used interchangeably


being a fucking hikki is already no work. You are a fuckin hikki or a NEET one is without the other. Saying both is retarded its either or.


Being a hikki automatically means being a NEET. You cannot work while also not contributing to society or leaving the house. Being hikki is being NEET by default, thus people using it interchangeably. You are actually retarded to argue otherwise.


Thats not what I mean though. What I am trying to say is that Hikki is already the term used for people. You don't call a hikki a neet you call a hikki a fucking hikki because they are more then just a neet. Technically a NEET can be someone who leaves the house has a bit of social interaction with people and isn't afraid to leave the house. Just means you know you are a NEET. IF you are a hikki it implies that you have a mental illness and I don't think 99% of people are going to tell you that you should suffer in your mental illness. A lot of people say being a NEET is a mental illness but it can be a way to reject society and stop helping that society harm people. Such as Varg. Do you consider Varg a normie? There are varying degrees of being a normie. No one is even saying that reddit antiwork type shit is a good idea but we are saying that in general society the one you live in is shit and isn't worth working for. You can also make a justification that humans shouldn't be striving to just work a shitty 9 to 5 job but to strive for greater things. Do you think humanity at large is meant to just struggle in the fields all fucking day picking up horse shit?


I agree with this. NEET literally means "Not in Employment, Education, or Training". I'm not any of those but I still get out into the world and socialize with people (some deep socialization at times…). NEET is more of a spectrum where you have people that just don't want to work and want to chill around to those that shut themselves in permanently because they're incapable of going out.
Not all NEET are Hikki but all/most Hikki are NEET. Hikki tend to be obsessive about one/a few specific ecosystems (like Anime/Manga and/or Gaming) and are notable in that they never, ever leave their homes (as portrayed by Japanese media). Hikki definitely is more of a fuzzy term than NEET which is self-explanatory, and really just means "shut-in" in its most simple definition, and of course that implies a lot.


This guy is a gigantic fag who likes men and does things with them

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