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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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Oh…good, I still have my trip on hand.

Anyways, I feel like now would be a good time to post what's been going on with me, and ask something of this board. I'm aware I could potentially identify myself by revealing what I've been up to, but oh well. If you find me, you find me. But more to the point: I've become officially, completely disabled and a NEET after several years of successful reintegration into society and getting an Associate of Arts. Some of you might remember me and my medical mysteries. I'm all too chuffed to tell you that they've gotten way worse, to the point where I may now get referred to a geneticist on suspicions of genetic cellular disease. In essence, we fear whatever's going on with me may be something we can't catch with the average level of testing. If it is the disease we're thinking of, it means it's a progressive condition that you can only throw experimental treatments at to slow the progression of, and it's something I would potentially very likely pass on to my kids. My prognosis would be completely unknown and dependent on a lick and a prayer. Not the stuff you successfully hold down a career with.

On the upside, though, I have a good team of people helping me out on it, and I've got a girl I've been seeing that I really enjoy. She's also a disabled NEET, and I think we really see eye to eye on a lot of life priorities. It's really strange. I've had a renewed interest in living and moving forward ever since I fell for her.

However, the point remains that I am back where I was when I started posting here: mostly shut-in, tired, sick, and (allegedly) doing nothing to contribute to society. So I ask this of you all: How many of you have had on-and-off NEETdom? What do you do when you realize you're going to have to become NEET again, whether by life circumstances or your own sanity or whatever? And…well, I'm probably asking this to the wrong people, but how do you keep it together? I don't know how to enjoy my time as a NEET like I once did. It just all feels strange now. Is there any ways to make it easier to accept it?

Apologies if there's already a thread like this that I didn't see, I'm super groggy from my migraine medication.

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