I have mixed feeling about this, I always experience positive and negatives things while being unemployed.
As a hikkineet I am way more relaxed, optimistic, friendlier and more social. Then I have the time to sleep as much as I need, can spend my time how I want and can therefore fill it with stuff I like. Other anons said that they are getting lonely and this is unfortunately the case for me too, sooner or later I get the urge to interact with somebody. Furthermore I get bored very quickly, after not even a year I am bored to no end, I just don't know what to do with all that time.
Overall I feel way better as a hikkineet, I enjoy doing things, have motivation to do something, and have a relaxed, optimistic and friendly attitude, I even would like to deal with people. The downside is that I don't have anybody though, so I just end up being lonely and being alone anyway. Besides that I get bored very fast, this is when I start to apply for work again.
Usually I start working somewhere and bring that attitude and mindset with me, that I build up from being a hikkineet. People love that and are always very satisfied with me. The problem is that it crumbles very fast due to the work environment. I end up being annoyed, unmotivated, tired, and depressed, which leads me to quit and the cycle starting anew.
I wonder if I would stop applying if I would be able to find hobbies/interests/passions, it would be great to stop fucking up my own wellbeing.
>>6952Very cute pino, I should rewatch the show one day.
Being grateful is good way to go, it always helps me a lot. Nothing is to be taken as granted. Unfortunately I am only sleeping and working too, when I have a job. It just drains all my energy, which leads me to crumble.
>>6951Having a meaningful connection is something I wish for, it hurts to experience again and again how shallow the connections are irl. The only places with likeminded people I know are small and slow imageboards, I hope they will exist as long as I life. Having a gf also drains me from all of my energy, not a chance that I want that again.